Data 100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science

UC Berkeley, Fall 2024

Ed Datahub Gradescope Lectures Playlist Additional Accommodations Office Hours Queue

Narges Norouzi

Narges Norouzi


Welcome to Week 1 of Data 100!

Lectures will be webcast at:


Week 1

Aug 29
Lecture 1 Introduction
Note 1
Lecture Participation 1 Lecture Participation 1
Aug 30
Lab 1 Prerequisite Coding (due Sep 3)
Homework 1A Plotting and the Permutation Test (due Sep 5)
Homework 1B Prerequisite Math (due Sep 5)

Week 2

Sep 3
Lecture 2 Pandas I
Discussion 1 Prerequisites
Sep 5
Lecture 3 Pandas II
Sep 6
Lab 2A Pandas (due Sep 10)
Homework 2A Food Safety (due Sep 12)
Drop Deadline (w/o fee) 11:59pm PT

Week 3

Sep 10
Lecture 4 Pandas III
Discussion 2 Pandas I
Sep 12
Lecture 5 Data Cleaning and EDA
Sep 13
Lab 2B Data Cleaning and EDA (due Sep 17)
Homework 2B Food Safety II (due Sep 19)
Add Deadline (w/o fee) 11:59pm PT

Week 4

Sep 17
Lecture 6 Regex
Discussion 3 Pandas II, EDA
Sep 19
Lecture 7 Visualization I
Sep 20
Lab 3 Regex, EDA (due Sep 24)
Homework 3 Tweets (due Sep 26)
Drop Deadline (with fee) 11:59pm PT

Week 5

Sep 24
Lecture 8 Visualization II
Discussion 4 Regex, Visualization, and Transformation
Sep 26
Lecture 9 Sampling
Sep 27
Lab 4 Transformations (due Oct 1)
Homework 4 Bike Sharing (due Oct 3)
Add Deadline for Graduate Students 11:59pm PT

Week 6

Oct 1
Lecture 10 Modeling, SLR
Discussion 5 Probability, Sampling, and Visualization
Oct 3
Lecture 11 Constant model, Loss, and Transformations
Oct 4
Lab 5 Modeling, Summary Statistics, and Loss Functions (due Oct 8)
Homework 5 Modeling (due Oct 10)

Week 7

Oct 8
Lecture 12 OLS (Multiple Regression)
Discussion 6 Models
Oct 10
Lecture 13 Gradient descent / sklearn
Oct 11
Lab 6 OLS (due Oct 15)
Project A1 Housing I (due Oct 24)

Week 8

Oct 15
Lecture 14 Feature Engineering
Discussion 7 OLS, Gradient Descent
Oct 17
Lecture 15 Case Study (HCE): CCAO
Oct 18
Lab 7 Gradient descent and Sklearn (due Oct 22)

Week 9

Oct 22
Lecture 16 Cross-Validation and Regularization
Discussion 8 Feature Engineering, Housing
Oct 23
Midterm Exam Midterm (7-9 PM PST)
Oct 24
Lecture 17 Random Variables
Oct 25
Lab 8 Model Selection (due Oct 29)
Project A2 Housing II (due Oct 31)

Week 10

Oct 29
Lecture 18 Estimators, Bias, and Variance
Discussion 9 Cross-Validation and Regularization
Oct 31
Lecture 19 Parameter Inference & the Bootstrap
Nov 1
Lab 9 Probability (due Nov 5)
Homework 6 Probability (due Nov 7)
Grade Option Change Deadline 11:59pm PT

Week 11

Nov 5
Lecture 20 SQL I
Discussion 10 RVs, Bias, and Variance
Nov 7
Lecture 21 SQL II
Nov 8
Lab 10 SQL (due Nov 12)
Homework 7 SQL (due Nov 14)

Week 12

Nov 12
Lecture 22 Logistic Regression I
Discussion 11 SQL
Nov 14
Lecture 23 Logistic Regression II
Nov 15
Lab 11 Logistic Regression (due Nov 19)
Project B1 Spam & Ham I (due Nov 21)

Week 13

Nov 19
Lecture 24 LLMs
Discussion 12 Logistic Regression
Nov 21
Lecture 25 PCA I
Nov 22
Project B2 Spam & Ham II (due Dec 5)

Week 14

Nov 26
Lecture 26 PCA II
Discussion 13 PCA
Nov 28
No Lecture
Nov 29
Lab 12 PCA (due Dec 3)

Week 15

Dec 3
Lecture 27 Clustering
Discussion 14 Clustering
Dec 5
Lecture 28 Guest + closing
Dec 6
Lab 13 Clustering (due Dec 10)

Week 16

Dec 9
Dec 10
Dec 11
Dec 12
Dec 13

Week 17

Dec 18
Final Exam Final (8-11 AM PST)