Learning Outcomes
  • Recognizing situations where we need “bigger” tools for manipulating data
  • Write basic SQL queries using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET
  • Perform aggregations using GROUP BY

So far in the course, we have made our way through the entire data science lifecycle: we learned how to load and explore a dataset, formulate questions, and use the tools of prediction and inference to come up with answers. For the remaining weeks of the semester, we are going to make a second pass through the lifecycle, this time with a different set of tools, ideas, and abstractions.

20.1 Databases

With this goal in mind, let’s go back to the very beginning of the lifecycle. We first started our work in data analysis by looking at the pandas library, which offered us powerful tools to manipulate tabular data stored in (primarily) CSV files. CSVs work well when analyzing relatively small datasets (less than 10GB) that are unchanging (static) and don’t need to be shared across many users. In research and industry, however, data scientists often need to access enormous bodies of data that cannot be easily stored in a CSV format. Collaborating with others when working with CSVs can also be tricky — a real-world data scientist may run into problems when multiple users try to make modifications or more dire security issues arise regarding who should and should not have access to the data.

A database is a large, organized collection of data. Databases are administered by Database Management Systems (DBMS), which are software systems that store, manage, and facilitate access to one or more databases. Databases help mitigate many of the issues that come with using CSVs for data storage: they provide reliable storage that can survive system crashes or disk failures, are optimized to compute on data that does not fit into memory, and contain special data structures to improve performance. Using databases rather than CSVs offers further benefits from the standpoint of data management. A DBMS can apply settings that configure how data is organized, block certain data anomalies (for example, enforcing non-negative weights or ages), and determine who is allowed access to the data. It can also ensure safe concurrent operations where multiple users reading and writing to the database will not lead to fatal errors. Below, you can see the functionality of the different types of data storage and management architectures. In data science, common large-scale DBMS systems used are Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Databricks, Microsoft SQL Server, and more. To learn more about these, consider taking Data 101!

As you may have guessed, we can’t use our usual pandas methods to work with data in a database. Instead, we’ll turn to Structured Query Language.

20.2 Intro to SQL

Structured Query Language, or SQL (commonly pronounced “sequel,” though this is the subject of fierce debate), is a special programming language designed to communicate with databases, and it is the dominant language/technology for working with data. You may have encountered it in classes like CS 61A or Data C88C before, and you likely will encounter it in the future. It is a language of tables: all inputs and outputs are tables. Unlike Python, it is a declarative programming language – this means that rather than writing the exact logic needed to complete a task, a piece of SQL code “declares” what the desired final output should be and leaves the program to determine what logic should be implemented. This logic differs depending on the SQL code itself or on the system it’s running on (ie. MongoDB, SQLite, DuckDB, etc.). Most systems don’t follow the standards, and every system you work with will be a little different.

For the purposes of Data 100, we use SQLite or DuckDB. SQLite is an easy-to-use library that allows users to directly manipulate a database file or an in-memory database with a simplified version of SQL. It’s commonly used to store data for small apps on mobile devices and is optimized for simplicity and speed of simple data tasks. DuckDB is an easy-to-use library that lets you directly manipulate a database file, collection of table formatted files (e.g., CSV), or in-memory pandas DataFrames using a more complete version of SQL. It’s optimized for simplicity and speed of advanced data analysis tasks and is becoming increasingly popular for data analysis tasks on large datasets.

It is important to reiterate that SQL is an entirely different language from Python. However, Python does have special engines that allow us to run SQL code in a Jupyter notebook. While this is typically not how SQL is used outside of an educational setting, we will use this workflow to illustrate how SQL queries are constructed using the tools we’ve already worked with this semester. You will learn more about how to run SQL queries in Jupyter in an upcoming lab and homework.

The syntax below will seem unfamiliar to you; for now, just focus on understanding the output displayed. We will clarify the SQL code in a bit.

To start, we’ll look at a database called example_duck.db and connect to it using DuckDB.

# Load the SQL Alchemy Python library and DuckDB
import sqlalchemy
import duckdb
# Load %%sql cell magic
%load_ext sql
# Connect to the database
%sql duckdb:///data/example_duck.db --alias duck
Connecting to 'duck'

Now that we’re connected, let’s make some queries! Note that SQL statements are terminated with semicolons, and a SQL query is a SQL statement that returns data.

Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
hiccup 2010 10
drogon 2011 -100
dragon 2 2019 0
puff 2010 100
smaug 2011 None

Thanks to the pandas magic, the resulting return data is displayed in a format almost identical to our pandas tables but without an index.

20.3 Tables and Schema

Looking at the Dragon table above, we can see that it contains contains three columns. The first of these, "name", contains text data. The "year" column contains integer data, with the constraint that year values must be greater than or equal to 2000. The final column, "cute", contains integer data with no restrictions on allowable values.

Now, let’s look at the schema of our database. A schema describes the logical structure of a table. Whenever a new table is created, the creator must declare its schema.

FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table'
Running query in 'duck'
type name tbl_name rootpage sql
table dish dish 0 CREATE TABLE dish("name" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, "type" VARCHAR, "cost" INTEGER, CHECK(("cost" >= 0)));
table dragon dragon 0 CREATE TABLE dragon("name" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, "year" INTEGER, cute INTEGER, CHECK(("year" >= 2000)));
table scene scene 0 CREATE TABLE scene(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, biome VARCHAR NOT NULL, city VARCHAR NOT NULL, visitors INTEGER, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT(current_date()), CHECK((visitors >= 0)));

The summary above displays information about the database; it contains three tables named Dragon, Dish, and Scene. The rightmost column above lists the command that was used to construct each table.

Let’s look more closely at the command used to create the Dragon table (the second entry above).

                     year INTEGER CHECK (year >= 2000),
                     cute INTEGER)

The statement CREATE TABLE is used to specify the schema of the table – a description of what logic is used to organize the table. Schema follows a set format:

  • ColName: the name of a column

  • DataType: the type of data to be stored in a column. Some of the most common SQL data types are:

    • INT (integers)
    • FLOAT (floating point numbers)
    • VARCHAR (strings of text, also called TEXT)
    • BLOB (arbitrary data, such as audio/video files)
    • DATETIME (a date and time)
  • Constraint: some restriction on the data to be stored in the column. Common constraints are:

    • CHECK (data must obey a certain condition)
    • PRIMARY KEY (designate a column as the table’s primary key)
    • NOT NULL (data cannot be null)
    • DEFAULT (a default fill value if no specific entry is given)

Note that different implementations of SQL (e.g., DuckDB, SQLite, MySQL) will support different types. In Data 100, we’ll primarily use DuckDB.

Database tables (also referred to as relations) are structured much like DataFrames in pandas. Each row, sometimes called a tuple, represents a single record in the dataset. Each column, sometimes called an attribute or field, describes some feature of the record.

20.3.1 Primary Keys

The primary key is a set of column(s) that uniquely identify each record in the table. In the Dragon table, the "name" column is its primary key that uniquely identifies each entry in the table. Because "name" is the primary key of the table, no two entries in the table can have the same name – a given value of "name" is unique to each dragon. Primary keys are used to ensure data integrity and to optimize data access.

20.3.2 Foreign Keys

A foreign key is a column or set of columns that references a primary key in another table. A foreign key constraint ensures that a primary key exists in the referenced table. For example, let’s say we have 2 tables, student and assignment, with the following schemas:

CREATE TABLE student (
    student_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR,
    email VARCHAR

CREATE TABLE assignment (
    assignment_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    description VARCHAR

Note that each table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each student and assignment.

Say we want to create the table grade to store the score each student got on each assignment. Naturally, this will depend on the information in student and assignment; we should not be saving the grade for a nonexisistent student nor a nonexisistent assignment. Hence, we can create the columns student_id and assignment_id that reference foreign tables student and assignment, respectively. This way, we ensure that the data in grade is always up-to-date with the other tables.

    student_id INTEGER,
    assignment_id INTEGER,
    score REAL,
    FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student(student_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (assignment_id) REFERENCES assignment(assignment_id)

20.4 Basic Queries

To extract and manipulate data stored in a SQL table, we will need to familiarize ourselves with the syntax to write pieces of SQL code, which we call queries.

20.4.1 SELECTing From Tables

The basic unit of a SQL query is the SELECT statement. SELECT specifies what columns we would like to extract from a given table. We use FROM to tell SQL the table from which we want to SELECT our data.

FROM Dragon;
Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
hiccup 2010 10
drogon 2011 -100
dragon 2 2019 0
puff 2010 100
smaug 2011 None

In SQL, * means “everything.” The query above grabs all the columns in Dragon and displays them in the outputted table. We can also specify a specific subset of columns to be SELECTed. Notice that the outputted columns appear in the order they were SELECTed.

SELECT cute, year
FROM Dragon;
Running query in 'duck'
cute year
10 2010
-100 2011
0 2019
100 2010
None 2011

Every SQL query must include both a SELECT and FROM statement. Intuitively, this makes sense — we know that we’ll want to extract some piece of information from the table; to do so, we also need to indicate what table we want to consider.

It is important to note that SQL enforces a strict “order of operations” — SQL clauses must always follow the same sequence. For example, the SELECT statement must always precede FROM. This means that any SQL query will follow the same structure.

SELECT <column list>
FROM <table>
[additional clauses]

The additional clauses we use depend on the specific task we’re trying to achieve. We may refine our query to filter on a certain condition, aggregate a particular column, or join several tables together. We will spend the rest of this note outlining some useful clauses to build up our understanding of the order of operations. SQL Style Conventions

And just like that, we’ve already written two SQL queries. There are a few things to note in the queries above. Firstly, notice that every “verb” is written in uppercase. It is convention to write SQL operations in capital letters, but your code will run just fine even if you choose to keep things in lowercase. Second, the query above separates each statement with a new line. SQL queries are not impacted by whitespace within the query; this means that SQL code is typically written with a new line after each statement to make things more readable. The semicolon (;) indicates the end of a query. There are some “flavors” of SQL in which a query will not run if no semicolon is present; however, in Data 100, the SQL version we will use works with or without an ending semicolon. Queries in these notes will end with semicolons to build up good habits. Aliasing with AS

The AS keyword allows us to give a column a new name (called an alias) after it has been SELECTed. The general syntax is:

SELECT column_in_input_table AS new_name_in_output_table
SELECT cute AS cuteness, year AS birth
FROM Dragon;
Running query in 'duck'
cuteness birth
10 2010
-100 2011
0 2019
100 2010
None 2011 Uniqueness with DISTINCT

To SELECT only the unique values in a column, we use the DISTINCT keyword. This will cause any any duplicate entries in a column to be removed. If we want to find only the unique years in Dragon, without any repeats, we would write:

FROM Dragon;
Running query in 'duck'

20.4.2 Applying WHERE Conditions

The WHERE keyword is used to select only some rows of a table, filtered on a given Boolean condition.

SELECT name, year
FROM Dragon
WHERE cute > 0;
Running query in 'duck'
name year
hiccup 2010
puff 2010

We can add complexity to the WHERE condition using the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, much like we would in Python.

SELECT name, year
FROM Dragon
WHERE cute > 0 OR year > 2013;
Running query in 'duck'
name year
hiccup 2010
puff 2010
dragon 2 2019

To spare ourselves needing to write complicated logical expressions by combining several conditions, we can also filter for entries that are IN a specified list of values. This is similar to the use of in or .isin in Python.

SELECT name, year
FROM Dragon
WHERE name IN ('hiccup', 'puff');
Running query in 'duck'
name year
hiccup 2010
puff 2010 Strings in SQL

In Python, there is no distinction between double "" and single quotes ''. SQL, on the other hand, distinguishes double quotes "" as column names and single quotes '' as strings. For example, we can make the call

SELECT "birth weight"
FROM patient
WHERE "first name" = 'Joey'

to select the column "birth weight" from the patient table and only select rows where the column "first name" is equal to 'Joey'. WHERE WITH NULL Values

You may have noticed earlier that our table actually has a missing value. In SQL, missing data is given the special value NULL. NULL behaves in a fundamentally different way to other data types. We can’t use the typical operators (=, >, and <) on NULL values (in fact, NULL == NULL returns False!). Instead, we check to see if a value IS or IS NOT NULL.

SELECT name, cute
FROM Dragon
Running query in 'duck'
name cute
hiccup 10
drogon -100
dragon 2 0
puff 100

20.4.3 Sorting and Restricting Output Sorting with ORDER BY

What if we want the output table to appear in a certain order? The ORDER BY keyword behaves similarly to .sort_values() in pandas.

FROM Dragon
ORDER BY cute;
Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
drogon 2011 -100
dragon 2 2019 0
hiccup 2010 10
puff 2010 100
smaug 2011 None

By default, ORDER BY will display results in ascending order (ASC) with the lowest values at the top of the table. To sort in descending order, we use the DESC keyword after specifying the column to be used for ordering.

FROM Dragon
Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
puff 2010 100
hiccup 2010 10
dragon 2 2019 0
drogon 2011 -100
smaug 2011 None

We can also tell SQL to ORDER BY two columns at once. This will sort the table by the first listed column, then use the values in the second listed column to break any ties.

FROM Dragon
ORDER BY year, cute DESC;
Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
puff 2010 100
hiccup 2010 10
drogon 2011 -100
smaug 2011 None
dragon 2 2019 0

Note that in this example, year is sorted in ascending order and cute in descending order. If you want year to be ordered in descending order as well, you need to specify year DESC, cute DESC;. LIMIT vs. OFFSET

In many instances, we are only concerned with a certain number of rows in the output table (for example, wanting to find the first two dragons in the table). The LIMIT keyword restricts the output to a specified number of rows. It serves a function similar to that of .head() in pandas.

FROM Dragon
Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
hiccup 2010 10
drogon 2011 -100

The OFFSET keyword indicates the index at which LIMIT should start. In other words, we can use OFFSET to shift where the LIMITing begins by a specified number of rows. For example, we might care about the dragons that are at positions 2 and 3 in the table.

FROM Dragon
Running query in 'duck'
name year cute
drogon 2011 -100
dragon 2 2019 0

With these keywords in hand, let’s update our SQL order of operations. Remember: every SQL query must list clauses in this order.

SELECT <column expression list>
FROM <table>
[WHERE <predicate>]
[ORDER BY <column list>]
[LIMIT <number of rows>]
[OFFSET <number of rows>];

20.5 Summary

Let’s summarize what we’ve learned so far. We know that SELECT and FROM are the fundamental building blocks of any SQL query. We can augment these two keywords with additional clauses to refine the data in our output table.

Any clauses that we include must follow a strict ordering within the query:

SELECT <column list>
FROM <table>
[WHERE <predicate>]
[ORDER BY <column list>]
[LIMIT <number of rows>]
[OFFSET <number of rows>]

Here, any clause contained in square brackets [ ] is optional —— we only need to use the keyword if it is relevant to the table operation we want to perform. Also note that by convention, we use all caps for keywords in SQL statements and use newlines to make code more readable.