5  Data Cleaning and EDA

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
#%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 9)

np.set_printoptions(threshold=20, precision=2, suppress=True)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 30)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
# This option stops scientific notation for pandas
pd.set_option('display.float_format', '{:.2f}'.format)

# Silence some spurious seaborn warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
Learning Outcomes
  • Recognize common file formats
  • Categorize data by its variable type
  • Build awareness of issues with data faithfulness and develop targeted solutions

In the past few lectures, we’ve learned that pandas is a toolkit to restructure, modify, and explore a dataset. What we haven’t yet touched on is how to make these data transformation decisions. When we receive a new set of data from the “real world,” how do we know what processing we should do to convert this data into a usable form?

Data cleaning, also called data wrangling, is the process of transforming raw data to facilitate subsequent analysis. It is often used to address issues like:

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the process of understanding a new dataset. It is an open-ended, informal analysis that involves familiarizing ourselves with the variables present in the data, discovering potential hypotheses, and identifying possible issues with the data. This last point can often motivate further data cleaning to address any problems with the dataset’s format; because of this, EDA and data cleaning are often thought of as an “infinite loop,” with each process driving the other.

In this lecture, we will consider the key properties of data to consider when performing data cleaning and EDA. In doing so, we’ll develop a “checklist” of sorts for you to consider when approaching a new dataset. Throughout this process, we’ll build a deeper understanding of this early (but very important!) stage of the data science lifecycle.

5.1 Structure

We often prefer rectangular data for data analysis. Rectangular structures are easy to manipulate and analyze. A key element of data cleaning is about transforming data to be more rectangular.

There are two kinds of rectangular data: tables and matrices. Tables have named columns with different data types and are manipulated using data transformation languages. Matrices contain numeric data of the same type and are manipulated using linear algebra.

5.1.1 File Formats

There are many file types for storing structured data: TSV, JSON, XML, ASCII, SAS, etc. We’ll only cover CSV, TSV, and JSON in lecture, but you’ll likely encounter other formats as you work with different datasets. Reading documentation is your best bet for understanding how to process the multitude of different file types. CSV

CSVs, which stand for Comma-Separated Values, are a common tabular data format. In the past two pandas lectures, we briefly touched on the idea of file format: the way data is encoded in a file for storage. Specifically, our elections and babynames datasets were stored and loaded as CSVs:

Year Candidate Party Popular vote Result %
0 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.21
1 1824 John Quincy Adams Democratic-Republican 113142 win 42.79
2 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.20
3 1828 John Quincy Adams National Republican 500897 loss 43.80
4 1832 Andrew Jackson Democratic 702735 win 54.57

To better understand the properties of a CSV, let’s take a look at the first few rows of the raw data file to see what it looks like before being loaded into a DataFrame. We’ll use the repr() function to return the raw string with its special characters:

with open("data/elections.csv", "r") as table:
    i = 0
    for row in table:
        i += 1
        if i > 3:
'Year,Candidate,Party,Popular vote,Result,%\n'
'1824,Andrew Jackson,Democratic-Republican,151271,loss,57.21012204\n'
'1824,John Quincy Adams,Democratic-Republican,113142,win,42.78987796\n'
'1828,Andrew Jackson,Democratic,642806,win,56.20392707\n'

Each row, or record, in the data is delimited by a newline \n. Each column, or field, in the data is delimited by a comma , (hence, comma-separated!). TSV

Another common file type is TSV (Tab-Separated Values). In a TSV, records are still delimited by a newline \n, while fields are delimited by \t tab character.

Let’s check out the first few rows of the raw TSV file. Again, we’ll use the repr() function so that print shows the special characters.

with open("data/elections.txt", "r") as table:
    i = 0
    for row in table:
        i += 1
        if i > 3:
'Year\tCandidate\tParty\tPopular vote\tResult\t%\n'
'1824\tAndrew Jackson\tDemocratic-Republican\t151271\tloss\t57.21012204\n'
'1824\tJohn Quincy Adams\tDemocratic-Republican\t113142\twin\t42.78987796\n'
'1828\tAndrew Jackson\tDemocratic\t642806\twin\t56.20392707\n'

TSVs can be loaded into pandas using pd.read_csv. We’ll need to specify the delimiter with parametersep='\t' (documentation).

pd.read_csv("data/elections.txt", sep='\t').head(3)
Year Candidate Party Popular vote Result %
0 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.21
1 1824 John Quincy Adams Democratic-Republican 113142 win 42.79
2 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.20

An issue with CSVs and TSVs comes up whenever there are commas or tabs within the records. How does pandas differentiate between a comma delimiter vs. a comma within the field itself, for example 8,900? To remedy this, check out the quotechar parameter. JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files behave similarly to Python dictionaries. A raw JSON is shown below.

with open("data/elections.json", "r") as table:
    i = 0
    for row in table:
        i += 1
        if i > 8:


   "Year": 1824,

   "Candidate": "Andrew Jackson",

   "Party": "Democratic-Republican",

   "Popular vote": 151271,

   "Result": "loss",

   "%": 57.21012204


JSON files can be loaded into pandas using pd.read_json.

Year Candidate Party Popular vote Result %
0 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.21
1 1824 John Quincy Adams Democratic-Republican 113142 win 42.79
2 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.20 EDA with JSON: Berkeley COVID-19 Data

The City of Berkeley Open Data website has a dataset with COVID-19 Confirmed Cases among Berkeley residents by date. Let’s download the file and save it as a JSON (note the source URL file type is also a JSON). In the interest of reproducible data science, we will download the data programatically. We have defined some helper functions in the ds100_utils.py file that we can reuse these helper functions in many different notebooks.

from ds100_utils import fetch_and_cache

covid_file = fetch_and_cache(
covid_file          # a file path wrapper object
Using cached version that was downloaded (UTC): Mon Jan 20 20:49:53 2025
WindowsPath('data/confirmed-cases.json') File Size

Let’s start our analysis by getting a rough estimate of the size of the dataset to inform the tools we use to view the data. For relatively small datasets, we can use a text editor or spreadsheet. For larger datasets, more programmatic exploration or distributed computing tools may be more fitting. Here we will use Python tools to probe the file.

Since there seem to be text files, let’s investigate the number of lines, which often corresponds to the number of records

import os

print(covid_file, "is", os.path.getsize(covid_file) / 1e6, "MB")

with open(covid_file, "r") as f:
    print(covid_file, "is", sum(1 for l in f), "lines.")
data\confirmed-cases.json is 0.117476 MB
data\confirmed-cases.json is 1110 lines. Unix Commands

As part of the EDA workflow, Unix commands can come in very handy. In fact, there’s an entire book called “Data Science at the Command Line” that explores this idea in depth! In Jupyter/IPython, you can prefix lines with ! to execute arbitrary Unix commands, and within those lines, you can refer to Python variables and expressions with the syntax {expr}.

Here, we use the ls command to list files, using the -lh flags, which request “long format with information in human-readable form.” We also use the wc command for “word count,” but with the -l flag, which asks for line counts instead of words.

These two give us the same information as the code above, albeit in a slightly different form:

!ls -lh {covid_file}
!wc -l {covid_file}
-rw-r--r-- 1 conan 197609 115K Jan 20 20:49 data\confirmed-cases.json
1109 data\confirmed-cases.json File Contents

Let’s explore the data format using Python.

with open(covid_file, "r") as f:
    for i, row in enumerate(f):
        print(repr(row)) # print raw strings
        if i >= 4: break
'  "meta" : {\n'
'    "view" : {\n'
'      "id" : "xn6j-b766",\n'
'      "name" : "COVID-19 Confirmed Cases",\n'

We can use the head Unix command (which is where pandashead method comes from!) to see the first few lines of the file:

!head -5 {covid_file}
  "meta" : {
    "view" : {
      "id" : "xn6j-b766",
      "name" : "COVID-19 Confirmed Cases",

In order to load the JSON file into pandas, Let’s first do some EDA with Python’s json package to understand the particular structure of this JSON file so that we can decide what (if anything) to load into pandas. Python has relatively good support for JSON data since it closely matches the internal python object model. In the following cell we import the entire JSON datafile into a python dictionary using the json package.

import json

with open(covid_file, "rb") as f:
    covid_json = json.load(f)

The covid_json variable is now a dictionary encoding the data in the file:


We can examine what keys are in the top level JSON object by listing out the keys.

dict_keys(['meta', 'data'])

Observation: The JSON dictionary contains a meta key which likely refers to metadata (data about the data). Metadata is often maintained with the data and can be a good source of additional information.

We can investigate the metadata further by examining the keys associated with the metadata.


The meta key contains another dictionary called view. This likely refers to metadata about a particular “view” of some underlying database. We will learn more about views when we study SQL later in the class.

dict_keys(['id', 'name', 'assetType', 'attribution', 'averageRating', 'category', 'createdAt', 'description', 'displayType', 'downloadCount', 'hideFromCatalog', 'hideFromDataJson', 'newBackend', 'numberOfComments', 'oid', 'provenance', 'publicationAppendEnabled', 'publicationDate', 'publicationGroup', 'publicationStage', 'rowsUpdatedAt', 'rowsUpdatedBy', 'tableId', 'totalTimesRated', 'viewCount', 'viewLastModified', 'viewType', 'approvals', 'columns', 'grants', 'metadata', 'owner', 'query', 'rights', 'tableAuthor', 'tags', 'flags'])

Notice that this a nested/recursive data structure. As we dig deeper we reveal more and more keys and the corresponding data:

|-> data
    | ... (haven't explored yet)
|-> view
    | -> id
    | -> name
    | -> attribution 
    | -> description
    | -> columns

There is a key called description in the view sub dictionary. This likely contains a description of the data:

Counts of confirmed COVID-19 cases among Berkeley residents by date. Examining the Data Field for Records

We can look at a few entries in the data field. This is what we’ll load into pandas.

for i in range(3):
    print(f"{i:03} | {covid_json['data'][i]}")
000 | ['row-kzbg.v7my-c3y2', '00000000-0000-0000-0405-CB14DE51DAA7', 0, 1643733903, None, 1643733903, None, '{ }', '2020-02-28T00:00:00', '1', '1']
001 | ['row-jkyx_9u4r-h2yw', '00000000-0000-0000-F806-86D0DBE0E17F', 0, 1643733903, None, 1643733903, None, '{ }', '2020-02-29T00:00:00', '0', '1']
002 | ['row-qifg_4aug-y3ym', '00000000-0000-0000-2DCE-4D1872F9B216', 0, 1643733903, None, 1643733903, None, '{ }', '2020-03-01T00:00:00', '0', '1']


  • These look like equal-length records, so maybe data is a table!
  • But what do each of values in the record mean? Where can we find column headers?

For that, we’ll need the columns key in the metadata dictionary. This returns a list:

list Summary of exploring the JSON file
  1. The above metadata tells us a lot about the columns in the data including column names, potential data anomalies, and a basic statistic.
  2. Because of its non-tabular structure, JSON makes it easier (than CSV) to create self-documenting data, meaning that information about the data is stored in the same file as the data.
  3. Self-documenting data can be helpful since it maintains its own description and these descriptions are more likely to be updated as data changes. Loading COVID Data into pandas

Finally, let’s load the data (not the metadata) into a pandas DataFrame. In the following block of code we:

  1. Translate the JSON records into a DataFrame:

    • fields: covid_json['meta']['view']['columns']
    • records: covid_json['data']
  2. Remove columns that have no metadata description. This would be a bad idea in general, but here we remove these columns since the above analysis suggests they are unlikely to contain useful information.

  3. Examine the tail of the table.

# Load the data from JSON and assign column titles
covid = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=[c['name'] for c in covid_json['meta']['view']['columns']])

sid id position created_at created_meta updated_at updated_meta meta Date New Cases Cumulative Cases
699 row-49b6_x8zv.gyum 00000000-0000-0000-A18C-9174A6D05774 0 1643733903 None 1643733903 None { } 2022-01-27T00:00:00 106 10694
700 row-gs55-p5em.y4v9 00000000-0000-0000-F41D-5724AEABB4D6 0 1643733903 None 1643733903 None { } 2022-01-28T00:00:00 223 10917
701 row-3pyj.tf95-qu67 00000000-0000-0000-BEE3-B0188D2518BD 0 1643733903 None 1643733903 None { } 2022-01-29T00:00:00 139 11056
702 row-cgnd.8syv.jvjn 00000000-0000-0000-C318-63CF75F7F740 0 1643733903 None 1643733903 None { } 2022-01-30T00:00:00 33 11089
703 row-qywv_24x6-237y 00000000-0000-0000-FE92-9789FED3AA20 0 1643733903 None 1643733903 None { } 2022-01-31T00:00:00 42 11131

5.1.2 Variable Types

Variables are columns. A variable is a measurement of a particular concept. Variables have two common properties: data type/storage type and variable type/feature type. The data type of a variable indicates how each variable value is stored in memory (integer, floating point, boolean, etc.) and affects which pandas functions are used. The variable type is a conceptualized measurement of information (and therefore indicates what values a variable can take on). Variable type is identified through expert knowledge, exploring the data itself, or consulting the data codebook. The variable type affects how one visualizes and inteprets the data. In this class, “variable types” are conceptual.

After loading data into a file, it’s a good idea to take the time to understand what pieces of information are encoded in the dataset. In particular, we want to identify what variable types are present in our data. Broadly speaking, we can categorize variables into one of two overarching types.

Quantitative variables describe some numeric quantity or amount. Some examples include weights, GPA, CO2 concentrations, someone’s age, or the number of siblings they have.

Qualitative variables, also known as categorical variables, describe data that isn’t measuring some quantity or amount. The sub-categories of categorical data are:

  • Ordinal qualitative variables: categories with ordered levels. Specifically, ordinal variables are those where the difference between levels has no consistent, quantifiable meaning. Some examples include levels of education (high school, undergrad, grad, etc.), income bracket (low, medium, high), or Yelp rating.
  • Nominal qualitative variables: categories with no specific order. For example, someone’s political affiliation or Cal ID number.

Classification of variable types

Note that many variables don’t sit neatly in just one of these categories. Qualitative variables could have numeric levels, and conversely, quantitative variables could be stored as strings.

5.2 Granularity and Temporality

After understanding the structure of the dataset, the next task is to determine what exactly the data represents. We’ll do so by considering the data’s granularity and temporality.

5.2.1 Granularity

The granularity of a dataset is what a single row represents. You can also think of it as the level of detail included in the data. To determine the data’s granularity, ask: what does each row in the dataset represent? Fine-grained data contains a high level of detail, with a single row representing a small individual unit. For example, each record may represent one person. Coarse-grained data is encoded such that a single row represents a large individual unit – for example, each record may represent a group of people.

5.2.2 Temporality

The temporality of a dataset describes the periodicity over which the data was collected as well as when the data was most recently collected or updated.

Time and date fields of a dataset could represent a few things:

  1. when the “event” happened
  2. when the data was collected, or when it was entered into the system
  3. when the data was copied into the database

To fully understand the temporality of the data, it also may be necessary to standardize time zones or inspect recurring time-based trends in the data (do patterns recur in 24-hour periods? Over the course of a month? Seasonally?). The convention for standardizing time is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), an international time standard measured at 0 degrees latitude that stays consistent throughout the year (no daylight savings). We can represent Berkeley’s time zone, Pacific Standard Time (PST), as UTC-7 (with daylight savings). Temporality with pandasdt accessors

Let’s briefly look at how we can use pandasdt accessors to work with dates/times in a dataset using the dataset you’ll see in Lab 3: the Berkeley PD Calls for Service dataset.

calls = pd.read_csv("data/Berkeley_PD_-_Calls_for_Service.csv")
0 21014296 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 04/01/2021 12:00:00 AM 10:58 LARCENY 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM Berkeley, CA\n(37.869058, -122.270455) NaN Berkeley CA
1 21014391 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 04/01/2021 12:00:00 AM 10:38 LARCENY 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM Berkeley, CA\n(37.869058, -122.270455) NaN Berkeley CA
2 21090494 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 04/19/2021 12:00:00 AM 12:15 LARCENY 1 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2100 BLOCK HASTE ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.864908,... 2100 BLOCK HASTE ST Berkeley CA
3 21090204 THEFT FELONY (OVER $950) 02/13/2021 12:00:00 AM 17:00 LARCENY 6 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2600 BLOCK WARRING ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.86393... 2600 BLOCK WARRING ST Berkeley CA
4 21090179 BURGLARY AUTO 02/08/2021 12:00:00 AM 6:20 BURGLARY - VEHICLE 1 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2700 BLOCK GARBER ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.86066,... 2700 BLOCK GARBER ST Berkeley CA

Looks like there are three columns with dates/times: EVENTDT, EVENTTM, and InDbDate.

Most likely, EVENTDT stands for the date when the event took place, EVENTTM stands for the time of day the event took place (in 24-hr format), and InDbDate is the date this call is recorded onto the database.

If we check the data type of these columns, we will see they are stored as strings. We can convert them to datetime objects using pandas to_datetime function.

calls["EVENTDT"] = pd.to_datetime(calls["EVENTDT"])
0 21014296 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 2021-04-01 10:58 LARCENY 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM Berkeley, CA\n(37.869058, -122.270455) NaN Berkeley CA
1 21014391 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 2021-04-01 10:38 LARCENY 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM Berkeley, CA\n(37.869058, -122.270455) NaN Berkeley CA
2 21090494 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 2021-04-19 12:15 LARCENY 1 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2100 BLOCK HASTE ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.864908,... 2100 BLOCK HASTE ST Berkeley CA
3 21090204 THEFT FELONY (OVER $950) 2021-02-13 17:00 LARCENY 6 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2600 BLOCK WARRING ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.86393... 2600 BLOCK WARRING ST Berkeley CA
4 21090179 BURGLARY AUTO 2021-02-08 6:20 BURGLARY - VEHICLE 1 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2700 BLOCK GARBER ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.86066,... 2700 BLOCK GARBER ST Berkeley CA

Now, we can use the dt accessor on this column.

We can get the month:

0    4
1    4
2    4
3    2
4    2
Name: EVENTDT, dtype: int32

Which day of the week the date is on:

0    3
1    3
2    0
3    5
4    0
Name: EVENTDT, dtype: int32

Check the mimimum values to see if there are any suspicious-looking, 70s dates:

2513 20057398 BURGLARY COMMERCIAL 2020-12-17 16:05 BURGLARY - COMMERCIAL 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 600 BLOCK GILMAN ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.878405,... 600 BLOCK GILMAN ST Berkeley CA
624 20057207 ASSAULT/BATTERY MISD. 2020-12-17 16:50 ASSAULT 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 2100 BLOCK SHATTUCK AVE\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.871... 2100 BLOCK SHATTUCK AVE Berkeley CA
154 20092214 THEFT FROM AUTO 2020-12-17 18:30 LARCENY - FROM VEHICLE 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 800 BLOCK SHATTUCK AVE\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.8918... 800 BLOCK SHATTUCK AVE Berkeley CA
659 20057324 THEFT MISD. (UNDER $950) 2020-12-17 15:44 LARCENY 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 1800 BLOCK 4TH ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.869888, -... 1800 BLOCK 4TH ST Berkeley CA
993 20057573 BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL 2020-12-17 22:15 BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL 4 06/15/2021 12:00:00 AM 1700 BLOCK STUART ST\nBerkeley, CA\n(37.857495... 1700 BLOCK STUART ST Berkeley CA

Doesn’t look like it! We are good!

We can also do many things with the dt accessor like switching time zones and converting time back to UNIX/POSIX time. Check out the documentation on .dt accessor and time series/date functionality.

5.3 Faithfulness

At this stage in our data cleaning and EDA workflow, we’ve achieved quite a lot: we’ve identified how our data is structured, come to terms with what information it encodes, and gained insight as to how it was generated. Throughout this process, we should always recall the original intent of our work in Data Science – to use data to better understand and model the real world. To achieve this goal, we need to ensure that the data we use is faithful to reality; that is, that our data accurately captures the “real world.”

Data used in research or industry is often “messy” – there may be errors or inaccuracies that impact the faithfulness of the dataset. Signs that data may not be faithful include:

  • Unrealistic or “incorrect” values, such as negative counts, locations that don’t exist, or dates set in the future
  • Violations of obvious dependencies, like an age that does not match a birthday
  • Clear signs that data was entered by hand, which can lead to spelling errors or fields that are incorrectly shifted
  • Signs of data falsification, such as fake email addresses or repeated use of the same names
  • Duplicated records or fields containing the same information
  • Truncated data, e.g. Microsoft Excel would limit the number of rows to 655536 and the number of columns to 255

We often solve some of these more common issues in the following ways:

  • Spelling errors: apply corrections or drop records that aren’t in a dictionary
  • Time zone inconsistencies: convert to a common time zone (e.g. UTC)
  • Duplicated records or fields: identify and eliminate duplicates (using primary keys)
  • Unspecified or inconsistent units: infer the units and check that values are in reasonable ranges in the data

5.3.1 Missing Values

Another common issue encountered with real-world datasets is that of missing data. One strategy to resolve this is to simply drop any records with missing values from the dataset. This does, however, introduce the risk of inducing biases – it is possible that the missing or corrupt records may be systemically related to some feature of interest in the data. Another solution is to keep the data as NaN values.

A third method to address missing data is to perform imputation: infer the missing values using other data available in the dataset. There is a wide variety of imputation techniques that can be implemented; some of the most common are listed below.

  • Average imputation: replace missing values with the average value for that field
  • Hot deck imputation: replace missing values with some random value
  • Regression imputation: develop a model to predict missing values and replace with the predicted value from the model.
  • Multiple imputation: replace missing values with multiple random values

Regardless of the strategy used to deal with missing data, we should think carefully about why particular records or fields may be missing – this can help inform whether or not the absence of these values is significant or meaningful.

5.4 EDA Demo 1: Tuberculosis in the United States

Now, let’s walk through the data-cleaning and EDA workflow to see what can we learn about the presence of Tuberculosis in the United States!

We will examine the data included in the original CDC article published in 2021.

5.4.1 CSVs and Field Names

Suppose Table 1 was saved as a CSV file located in data/cdc_tuberculosis.csv.

We can then explore the CSV (which is a text file, and does not contain binary-encoded data) in many ways: 1. Using a text editor like emacs, vim, VSCode, etc. 2. Opening the CSV directly in DataHub (read-only), Excel, Google Sheets, etc. 3. The Python file object 4. pandas, using pd.read_csv()

To try out options 1 and 2, you can view or download the Tuberculosis from the lecture demo notebook under the data folder in the left hand menu. Notice how the CSV file is a type of rectangular data (i.e., tabular data) stored as comma-separated values.

Next, let’s try out option 3 using the Python file object. We’ll look at the first four lines:

with open("data/cdc_tuberculosis.csv", "r") as f:
    i = 0
    for row in f:
        i += 1
        if i > 3:
,No. of TB cases,,

U.S. jurisdiction,2019,2020,2021



Whoa, why are there blank lines interspaced between the lines of the CSV?

You may recall that all line breaks in text files are encoded as the special newline character \n. Python’s print() prints each string (including the newline), and an additional newline on top of that.

If you’re curious, we can use the repr() function to return the raw string with all special characters:

with open("data/cdc_tuberculosis.csv", "r") as f:
    i = 0
    for row in f:
        print(repr(row)) # print raw strings
        i += 1
        if i > 3:
',No. of TB cases,,\n'
'U.S. jurisdiction,2019,2020,2021\n'

Finally, let’s try option 4 and use the tried-and-true Data 100 approach: pandas.

tb_df = pd.read_csv("data/cdc_tuberculosis.csv")
Unnamed: 0 No. of TB cases Unnamed: 2 Unnamed: 3
0 U.S. jurisdiction 2019 2020 2021
1 Total 8,900 7,173 7,860
2 Alabama 87 72 92
3 Alaska 58 58 58
4 Arizona 183 136 129

You may notice some strange things about this table: what’s up with the “Unnamed” column names and the first row?

Congratulations — you’re ready to wrangle your data! Because of how things are stored, we’ll need to clean the data a bit to name our columns better.

A reasonable first step is to identify the row with the right header. The pd.read_csv() function (documentation) has the convenient header parameter that we can set to use the elements in row 1 as the appropriate columns:

tb_df = pd.read_csv("data/cdc_tuberculosis.csv", header=1) # row index
U.S. jurisdiction 2019 2020 2021
0 Total 8,900 7,173 7,860
1 Alabama 87 72 92
2 Alaska 58 58 58
3 Arizona 183 136 129
4 Arkansas 64 59 69

5.4.2 Record Granularity

You might already be wondering: what’s up with that first record?

Row 0 is what we call a rollup record, or summary record. It’s often useful when displaying tables to humans. The granularity of record 0 (Totals) vs the rest of the records (States) is different.

Okay, EDA step two. How was the rollup record aggregated?

Let’s check if Total TB cases is the sum of all state TB cases. If we sum over all rows, we should get 2x the total cases in each of our TB cases by year (why do you think this is?).

U.S. jurisdiction    TotalAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaCol...
2019                 8,9008758183642,111666718245583029973261085237...
2020                 7,1737258136591,706525417194122219282169239376...
2021                 7,8609258129691,750585443194992281064255127494...
dtype: object

Whoa, what’s going on with the TB cases in 2019, 2020, and 2021? Check out the column types:

U.S. jurisdiction    object
2019                 object
2020                 object
2021                 object
dtype: object

Since there are commas in the values for TB cases, the numbers are read as the object datatype, or storage type (close to the Python string datatype), so pandas is concatenating strings instead of adding integers (recall that Python can “sum”, or concatenate, strings together: "data" + "100" evaluates to "data100").

Fortunately read_csv also has a thousands parameter (documentation):

# improve readability: chaining method calls with outer parentheses/line breaks
tb_df = (
    pd.read_csv("data/cdc_tuberculosis.csv", header=1, thousands=',')
U.S. jurisdiction 2019 2020 2021
0 Total 8900 7173 7860
1 Alabama 87 72 92
2 Alaska 58 58 58
3 Arizona 183 136 129
4 Arkansas 64 59 69
U.S. jurisdiction    TotalAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaCol...
2019                                                             17800
2020                                                             14346
2021                                                             15720
dtype: object

The total TB cases look right. Phew!

Let’s just look at the records with state-level granularity:

state_tb_df = tb_df[1:]
U.S. jurisdiction 2019 2020 2021
1 Alabama 87 72 92
2 Alaska 58 58 58
3 Arizona 183 136 129
4 Arkansas 64 59 69
5 California 2111 1706 1750

5.4.3 Gather Census Data

U.S. Census population estimates source (2019), source (2020-2024).

Running the below cells cleans the data. There are a few new methods here:

  • df.convert_dtypes() (documentation) conveniently converts all float dtypes into ints and is out of scope for the class.
  • df.drop_na() (documentation) will be explained in more detail next time.
# 2010s census data
census_2010s_df = pd.read_csv("data/nst-est2019-01.csv", header=3, thousands=",")
census_2010s_df = (
    .rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "Geographic Area"})
    .drop(columns=["Census", "Estimates Base"])
    .convert_dtypes() # "smart" converting of columns to int, use at your own risk
    .dropna()  # we'll introduce this very soon
census_2010s_df['Geographic Area'] = census_2010s_df['Geographic Area'].str.strip('.')

# with pd.option_context('display.min_rows', 30): # shows more rows
#     display(census_2010s_df)
Geographic Area 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
0 United States 309321666 311556874 313830990 315993715 318301008 320635163 322941311 324985539 326687501 328239523
1 Northeast 55380134 55604223 55775216 55901806 56006011 56034684 56042330 56059240 56046620 55982803
2 Midwest 66974416 67157800 67336743 67560379 67745167 67860583 67987540 68126781 68236628 68329004
3 South 114866680 116006522 117241208 118364400 119624037 120997341 122351760 123542189 124569433 125580448
4 West 72100436 72788329 73477823 74167130 74925793 75742555 76559681 77257329 77834820 78347268

Occasionally, you will want to modify code that you have imported. To reimport those modifications you can either use python’s importlib library:

from importlib import reload

or use iPython magic which will intelligently import code when files change:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
# census 2020s data
census_2020s_df = pd.read_csv("data/NST-EST2024-POP.csv", header=3, thousands=",")
census_2020s_df = (
    .drop(columns=["Unnamed: 1"])
    .rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "Geographic Area"})
    .loc[:, "Geographic Area":"2024"] # ignore all the blank extra columns
    .convert_dtypes()                 # "smart" converting of columns, use at your own risk
    .dropna()                         # we'll introduce this next ti
census_2020s_df['Geographic Area'] = census_2020s_df['Geographic Area'].str.strip('.')

Geographic Area 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
0 United States 331577720 332099760 334017321 336806231 340110988
1 Northeast 57431458 57252533 57159597 57398303 57832935
2 Midwest 68984258 68872831 68903297 69186401 69596584
3 South 126476549 127368010 129037849 130893358 132665693
4 West 78685455 78606386 78916578 79328169 80015776

5.4.4 Joining Data (Merging DataFrames)

Time to merge! Here we use the DataFrame method df1.merge(right=df2, ...) on DataFrame df1 (documentation). Contrast this with the function pd.merge(left=df1, right=df2, ...) (documentation). Feel free to use either.

# merge TB DataFrame with two US census DataFrames
tb_census_df = (
           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", right_on="Geographic Area")
           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", right_on="Geographic Area")
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_x 2020_x 2021_x Geographic Area_x 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019_y Geographic Area_y 2020_y 2021_y 2022 2023 2024
0 Alabama 87 72 92 Alabama 4785437 4799069 4815588 4830081 4841799 4852347 4863525 4874486 4887681 4903185 Alabama 5033094 5049196 5076181 5117673 5157699
1 Alaska 58 58 58 Alaska 713910 722128 730443 737068 736283 737498 741456 739700 735139 731545 Alaska 733017 734420 734442 736510 740133
2 Arizona 183 136 129 Arizona 6407172 6472643 6554978 6632764 6730413 6829676 6941072 7044008 7158024 7278717 Arizona 7187135 7274078 7377566 7473027 7582384
3 Arkansas 64 59 69 Arkansas 2921964 2940667 2952164 2959400 2967392 2978048 2989918 3001345 3009733 3017804 Arkansas 3014546 3026870 3047704 3069463 3088354
4 California 2111 1706 1750 California 37319502 37638369 37948800 38260787 38596972 38918045 39167117 39358497 39461588 39512223 California 39521958 39142565 39142414 39198693 39431263

We’re only interested in the population for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, so let’s select just those columns:

census_2019_df = census_2010s_df[['Geographic Area', '2019']]
census_2020_2021_df = census_2020s_df[['Geographic Area', '2020', '2021']]

U.S. jurisdiction 2019 2020 2021
50 Wisconsin 51 35 66
51 Wyoming 1 0 3
Geographic Area 2019
55 Wyoming 578759
57 Puerto Rico 3193694
Geographic Area 2020 2021
55 Wyoming 577681 579636
57 Puerto Rico 3281590 3262711

All three dataframes have a column containing U.S. states, along with some other geographic areas. These columns are our join keys.

  • Below, we use df1.merge(right=df2, ...) to carry out the merge (documentation).

  • We could have alternatively used the function pd.merge(left=df1, right=df2, ...) (documentation).

# merge TB dataframe with two US census dataframes
tb_census_df = (
           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", right_on="Geographic Area")
           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", right_on="Geographic Area")
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_x 2020_x 2021_x Geographic Area_x 2019_y Geographic Area_y 2020_y 2021_y
49 Wisconsin 51 35 66 Wisconsin 5822434 Wisconsin 5897375 5881608
50 Wyoming 1 0 3 Wyoming 578759 Wyoming 577681 579636

To see what’s going on with the duplicate columns, and the _x and _y, let’s do the just the first merge:

            left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", 
            right_on="Geographic Area").head()
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_x 2020 2021 Geographic Area 2019_y
0 Alabama 87 72 92 Alabama 4903185
1 Alaska 58 58 58 Alaska 731545
2 Arizona 183 136 129 Arizona 7278717
3 Arkansas 64 59 69 Arkansas 3017804
4 California 2111 1706 1750 California 39512223

Notice that the columns containing the join keys have all been retained, and all contain the same values.

  • Furthermore, notice that the duplicated columns are appended with _x and _y to keep the column names unique.

  • In the TB case count data, column 2019 represents the number of TB cases in 2019, but in the Census data, column 2019 represents the U.S. population.

We can use the suffixes argument to modify the _x and _y defaults to our liking (documentation).

# Specify the suffixes to use for duplicated column names
           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", 
           right_on="Geographic Area",
           suffixes=('_cases', '_population')).head()
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_cases 2020 2021 Geographic Area 2019_population
0 Alabama 87 72 92 Alabama 4903185
1 Alaska 58 58 58 Alaska 731545
2 Arizona 183 136 129 Arizona 7278717
3 Arkansas 64 59 69 Arkansas 3017804
4 California 2111 1706 1750 California 39512223

Notice the _x and _y have changed to _cases and _population, just like we specified.

Putting it all together, and dropping the duplicated Geographic Area columns:

# Redux: merge TB dataframe with two US census dataframes
tb_census_df = (
           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", right_on="Geographic Area",
           suffixes=('_cases', '_population'))
    .drop(columns="Geographic Area")

           left_on="U.S. jurisdiction", right_on="Geographic Area",
           suffixes=('_cases', '_population'))
    .drop(columns="Geographic Area")
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_cases 2020_cases 2021_cases 2019_population 2020_population 2021_population
49 Wisconsin 51 35 66 5822434 5897375 5881608
50 Wyoming 1 0 3 578759 577681 579636

5.4.5 Reproducing Data: Compute Incidence

Let’s see if we can reproduce the original CDC numbers from our augmented dataset of TB case counts and state populations.

  • Recall that the nationwide TB incidence was 2.7 in 2019, 2.2 in 2020, and 2.4 in 2021.

  • Along the way, we’ll also compute state-level incidence.

From the CDC report: TB incidence is computed as “Cases per 100,000 persons using mid-year population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.”

Let’s start with a simpler question: What is the per person incidence?

  • In other words, what is the probability that a randomly selected person in the population had TB within a given year?

\[\text{TB incidence per person} = \frac{\text{\# TB cases in population}}{\text{Total population size}}\]

Let’s calculate per person incidence for 2019:

# Calculate per person incidence for 2019
tb_census_df["per person incidence 2019"] = (
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_cases 2020_cases 2021_cases 2019_population 2020_population 2021_population per person incidence 2019
0 Alabama 87 72 92 4903185 5033094 5049196 0.00
1 Alaska 58 58 58 731545 733017 734420 0.00
2 Arizona 183 136 129 7278717 7187135 7274078 0.00
3 Arkansas 64 59 69 3017804 3014546 3026870 0.00
4 California 2111 1706 1750 39512223 39521958 39142565 0.00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
46 Virginia 191 169 161 8535519 8637615 8658910 0.00
47 Washington 221 163 199 7614893 7727209 7743760 0.00
48 West Virginia 9 13 7 1792147 1791646 1785618 0.00
49 Wisconsin 51 35 66 5822434 5897375 5881608 0.00
50 Wyoming 1 0 3 578759 577681 579636 0.00

51 rows × 8 columns

TB is really rare in the United States, so per person TB incidence is really low, as expected.

  • But, if we were to consider 100,000 people, the probability of seeing a TB case is higher.

  • In fact, it would be 100,000 times higher!

\[\text{TB incidence per 100,000} = \text{100,000} * \text{TB incidence per person}\]

# To help read bigger numbers in Python, you can use _ to separate thousands,
# akin to using commas. 100_000 is the same as writing 100000, but more readable.
tb_census_df["per 100k incidence 2019"] = (
    100_000 * tb_census_df["per person incidence 2019"] 
U.S. jurisdiction 2019_cases 2020_cases 2021_cases 2019_population 2020_population 2021_population per person incidence 2019 per 100k incidence 2019
0 Alabama 87 72 92 4903185 5033094 5049196 0.00 1.77
1 Alaska 58 58 58 731545 733017 734420 0.00 7.93
2 Arizona 183 136 129 7278717 7187135 7274078 0.00 2.51
3 Arkansas 64 59 69 3017804 3014546 3026870 0.00 2.12
4 California 2111 1706 1750 39512223 39521958 39142565 0.00 5.34
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
46 Virginia 191 169 161 8535519 8637615 8658910 0.00 2.24
47 Washington 221 163 199 7614893 7727209 7743760 0.00 2.90
48 West Virginia 9 13 7 1792147 1791646 1785618 0.00 0.50
49 Wisconsin 51 35 66 5822434 5897375 5881608 0.00 0.88
50 Wyoming 1 0 3 578759 577681 579636 0.00 0.17

51 rows × 9 columns

Now we’re seeing more human-readable values.

  • For example, there 5.3 tuberculosis cases for every 100,000 California residents in 2019.

To wrap up this exercise, let’s calculate the nationwide incidence of TB in 2019.

# Recall that the CDC reported an incidence of 2.7 per 100,000 in 2019.
tot_tb_cases_50_states = tb_census_df["2019_cases"].sum()
tot_pop_50_states = tb_census_df["2019_population"].sum()
tb_per_100k_50_states = 100_000 * tot_tb_cases_50_states / tot_pop_50_states

We can use a for loop to compute the incidence for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

  • You’ll notice that we get the same numbers reported by the CDC!
# f strings (f"...") are a handy way to pass in variables to strings.
for year in [2019, 2020, 2021]:
  tot_tb_cases_50_states = tb_census_df[f"{year}_cases"].sum()
  tot_pop_50_states = tb_census_df[f"{year}_population"].sum()
  tb_per_100k_50_states = 100_000 * tot_tb_cases_50_states / tot_pop_50_states

5.5 EDA Demo 2: Mauna Loa CO2 Data – A Lesson in Data Faithfulness

Mauna Loa Observatory has been monitoring CO2 concentrations since 1958.

co2_file = "data/co2_mm_mlo.txt"

Let’s do some EDA!!

5.5.1 Reading this file into Pandas?

Let’s instead check out this .txt file. Some questions to keep in mind: Do we trust this file extension? What structure is it?

Lines 71-78 (inclusive) are shown below:

line number |                            file contents

71          |   #            decimal     average   interpolated    trend    #days
72          |   #             date                             (season corr)
73          |   1958   3    1958.208      315.71      315.71      314.62     -1
74          |   1958   4    1958.292      317.45      317.45      315.29     -1
75          |   1958   5    1958.375      317.50      317.50      314.71     -1
76          |   1958   6    1958.458      -99.99      317.10      314.85     -1
77          |   1958   7    1958.542      315.86      315.86      314.98     -1
78          |   1958   8    1958.625      314.93      314.93      315.94     -1

Notice how:

  • The values are separated by white space, possibly tabs.
  • The data line up down the rows. For example, the month appears in 7th to 8th position of each line.
  • The 71st and 72nd lines in the file contain column headings split over two lines.

We can use read_csv to read the data into a pandas DataFrame, and we provide several arguments to specify that the separators are white space, there is no header (we will set our own column names), and to skip the first 72 rows of the file.

co2 = pd.read_csv(
    co2_file, header = None, skiprows = 72,
    sep = r'\s+'       #delimiter for continuous whitespace (stay tuned for regex next lecture))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1958 3 1958.21 315.71 315.71 314.62 -1
1 1958 4 1958.29 317.45 317.45 315.29 -1
2 1958 5 1958.38 317.50 317.50 314.71 -1
3 1958 6 1958.46 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -1
4 1958 7 1958.54 315.86 315.86 314.98 -1

Congratulations! You’ve wrangled the data!

…But our columns aren’t named. We need to do more EDA.

5.5.2 Exploring Variable Feature Types

The NOAA webpage might have some useful tidbits (in this case it doesn’t).

Using this information, we’ll rerun pd.read_csv, but this time with some custom column names.

co2 = pd.read_csv(
    co2_file, header = None, skiprows = 72,
    sep = r'\s+', #regex for continuous whitespace (next lecture)
    names = ['Yr', 'Mo', 'DecDate', 'Avg', 'Int', 'Trend', 'Days']
Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
0 1958 3 1958.21 315.71 315.71 314.62 -1
1 1958 4 1958.29 317.45 317.45 315.29 -1
2 1958 5 1958.38 317.50 317.50 314.71 -1
3 1958 6 1958.46 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -1
4 1958 7 1958.54 315.86 315.86 314.98 -1

5.5.3 Visualizing CO2

Scientific studies tend to have very clean data, right…? Let’s jump right in and make a time series plot of CO2 monthly averages.

sns.lineplot(x='DecDate', y='Avg', data=co2);

The code above uses the seaborn plotting library (abbreviated sns). We will cover this in the Visualization lecture, but now you don’t need to worry about how it works!

Yikes! Plotting the data uncovered a problem. The sharp vertical lines suggest that we have some missing values. What happened here?

Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
0 1958 3 1958.21 315.71 315.71 314.62 -1
1 1958 4 1958.29 317.45 317.45 315.29 -1
2 1958 5 1958.38 317.50 317.50 314.71 -1
3 1958 6 1958.46 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -1
4 1958 7 1958.54 315.86 315.86 314.98 -1
Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
733 2019 4 2019.29 413.32 413.32 410.49 26
734 2019 5 2019.38 414.66 414.66 411.20 28
735 2019 6 2019.46 413.92 413.92 411.58 27
736 2019 7 2019.54 411.77 411.77 411.43 23
737 2019 8 2019.62 409.95 409.95 411.84 29

Some data have unusual values like -1 and -99.99.

Let’s check the description at the top of the file again.

  • -1 signifies a missing value for the number of days Days the equipment was in operation that month.
  • -99.99 denotes a missing monthly average Avg

How can we fix this? First, let’s explore other aspects of our data. Understanding our data will help us decide what to do with the missing values.

5.5.4 Sanity Checks: Reasoning about the data

First, we consider the shape of the data. How many rows should we have?

  • If chronological order, we should have one record per month.
  • Data from March 1958 to August 2019.
  • We should have $ 12 (2019-1957) - 2 - 4 = 738 $ records.
(738, 7)

Nice!! The number of rows (i.e. records) match our expectations.

Let’s now check the quality of each feature.

5.5.5 Understanding Missing Value 1: Days

Days is a time field, so let’s analyze other time fields to see if there is an explanation for missing values of days of operation.

Let’s start with months, Mo.

Are we missing any records? The number of months should have 62 or 61 instances (March 1957-August 2019).

1     61
2     61
3     62
4     62
5     62
6     62
7     62
8     62
9     61
10    61
11    61
12    61
Name: count, dtype: int64

As expected Jan, Feb, Sep, Oct, Nov, and Dec have 61 occurrences and the rest 62.

Next let’s explore days Days itself, which is the number of days that the measurement equipment worked.

plt.title("Distribution of days feature"); # suppresses unneeded plotting output

In terms of data quality, a handful of months have averages based on measurements taken on fewer than half the days. In addition, there are nearly 200 missing values–that’s about 27% of the data!

Finally, let’s check the last time feature, year Yr.

Let’s check to see if there is any connection between missing-ness and the year of the recording.

sns.scatterplot(x="Yr", y="Days", data=co2);
plt.title("Day field by Year"); # the ; suppresses output


  • All of the missing data are in the early years of operation.
  • It appears there may have been problems with equipment in the mid to late 80s.

Potential Next Steps:

  • Confirm these explanations through documentation about the historical readings.
  • Maybe drop the earliest recordings? However, we would want to delay such action until after we have examined the time trends and assess whether there are any potential problems.

5.5.6 Understanding Missing Value 2: Avg

Next, let’s return to the -99.99 values in Avg to analyze the overall quality of the CO2 measurements. We’ll plot a histogram of the average CO2 measurements

# Histograms of average CO2 measurements

The non-missing values are in the 300-400 range (a regular range of CO2 levels).

We also see that there are only a few missing Avg values (<1% of values). Let’s examine all of them:

co2[co2["Avg"] < 0]
Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
3 1958 6 1958.46 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -1
7 1958 10 1958.79 -99.99 312.66 315.61 -1
71 1964 2 1964.12 -99.99 320.07 319.61 -1
72 1964 3 1964.21 -99.99 320.73 319.55 -1
73 1964 4 1964.29 -99.99 321.77 319.48 -1
213 1975 12 1975.96 -99.99 330.59 331.60 0
313 1984 4 1984.29 -99.99 346.84 344.27 2

There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to these values, other than that most records also were missing Days data.

5.5.7 Drop, NaN, or Impute Missing Avg Data?

How should we address the invalid Avg data?

  1. Drop records
  2. Set to NaN
  3. Impute using some strategy

Remember we want to fix the following plot:

sns.lineplot(x='DecDate', y='Avg', data=co2)
plt.title("CO2 Average By Month");

Since we are plotting Avg vs DecDate, we should just focus on dealing with missing values for Avg.

Let’s consider a few options: 1. Drop those records 2. Replace -99.99 with NaN 3. Substitute it with a likely value for the average CO2?

What do you think are the pros and cons of each possible action?

Let’s examine each of these three options.

# 1. Drop missing values
co2_drop = co2[co2['Avg'] > 0]
Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
0 1958 3 1958.21 315.71 315.71 314.62 -1
1 1958 4 1958.29 317.45 317.45 315.29 -1
2 1958 5 1958.38 317.50 317.50 314.71 -1
4 1958 7 1958.54 315.86 315.86 314.98 -1
5 1958 8 1958.62 314.93 314.93 315.94 -1
# 2. Replace NaN with -99.99
co2_NA = co2.replace(-99.99, np.nan)
Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
0 1958 3 1958.21 315.71 315.71 314.62 -1
1 1958 4 1958.29 317.45 317.45 315.29 -1
2 1958 5 1958.38 317.50 317.50 314.71 -1
3 1958 6 1958.46 NaN 317.10 314.85 -1
4 1958 7 1958.54 315.86 315.86 314.98 -1

We’ll also use a third version of the data.

First, we note that the dataset already comes with a substitute value for the -99.99.

From the file description:

The interpolated column includes average values from the preceding column (average) and interpolated values where data are missing. Interpolated values are computed in two steps…

The Int feature has values that exactly match those in Avg, except when Avg is -99.99, and then a reasonable estimate is used instead.

So, the third version of our data will use the Int feature instead of Avg.

# 3. Use interpolated column which estimates missing Avg values
co2_impute = co2.copy()
co2_impute['Avg'] = co2['Int']
Yr Mo DecDate Avg Int Trend Days
0 1958 3 1958.21 315.71 315.71 314.62 -1
1 1958 4 1958.29 317.45 317.45 315.29 -1
2 1958 5 1958.38 317.50 317.50 314.71 -1
3 1958 6 1958.46 317.10 317.10 314.85 -1
4 1958 7 1958.54 315.86 315.86 314.98 -1

What’s a reasonable estimate?

To answer this question, let’s zoom in on a short time period, say the measurements in 1958 (where we know we have two missing values).

# results of plotting data in 1958

def line_and_points(data, ax, title):
    # assumes single year, hence Mo
    ax.plot('Mo', 'Avg', data=data)
    ax.scatter('Mo', 'Avg', data=data)
    ax.set_xlim(2, 13)
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(3, 13))

def data_year(data, year):
    return data[data["Yr"] == 1958]
# uses matplotlib subplots
# you may see more next week; focus on output for now
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols = 3, figsize=(12, 4), sharey=True)

year = 1958
line_and_points(data_year(co2_drop, year), axes[0], title="1. Drop Missing")
line_and_points(data_year(co2_NA, year), axes[1], title="2. Missing Set to NaN")
line_and_points(data_year(co2_impute, year), axes[2], title="3. Missing Interpolated")

fig.suptitle(f"Monthly Averages for {year}")

In the big picture since there are only 7 Avg values missing (<1% of 738 months), any of these approaches would work.

However there is some appeal to option C, Imputing:

  • Shows seasonal trends for CO2
  • We are plotting all months in our data as a line plot

Let’s replot our original figure with option 3:

sns.lineplot(x='DecDate', y='Avg', data=co2_impute)
plt.title("CO2 Average By Month, Imputed");

Looks pretty close to what we see on the NOAA website!

5.5.8 Presenting the Data: A Discussion on Data Granularity

From the description:

  • Monthly measurements are averages of average day measurements.
  • The NOAA GML website has datasets for daily/hourly measurements too.

The data you present depends on your research question.

How do CO2 levels vary by season?

  • You might want to keep average monthly data.

Are CO2 levels rising over the past 50+ years, consistent with global warming predictions?

  • You might be happier with a coarser granularity of average year data!
co2_year = co2_impute.groupby('Yr').mean()
sns.lineplot(x='Yr', y='Avg', data=co2_year)
plt.title("CO2 Average By Year");

Indeed, we see a rise by nearly 100 ppm of CO2 since Mauna Loa began recording in 1958.

5.6 Summary

We went over a lot of content this lecture; let’s summarize the most important points:

5.6.1 Dealing with Missing Values

There are a few options we can take to deal with missing data:

  • Drop missing records
  • Keep NaN missing values
  • Impute using an interpolated column

5.6.2 EDA and Data Wrangling

There are several ways to approach EDA and Data Wrangling:

  • Examine the data and metadata: what is the date, size, organization, and structure of the data?
  • Examine each field/attribute/dimension individually.
  • Examine pairs of related dimensions (e.g. breaking down grades by major).
  • Along the way, we can:
    • Visualize or summarize the data.
    • Validate assumptions about data and its collection process. Pay particular attention to when the data was collected.
    • Identify and address anomalies.
    • Apply data transformations and corrections (we’ll cover this in the upcoming lecture).
    • Record everything you do! Developing in Jupyter Notebook promotes reproducibility of your own work!