Frequently Asked Questions for Summer 2021 Data 100

Data 100 will be taught entirely remotely for the summer semester.

Q. What can I do if I’m on the waitlist?

A. Unfortunately, the instructors have no control over the waitlist, and there are no current plans to expand enrollment for the course. We do expect some students to drop before the course begins, although we can not provide a precise number. Please do not e-mail instructors over enrollment concerns.

Q. Will there be synchronous activities?

A. All lectures will be pre-recorded. However, we MAY require attendance in synchronous (live) discussion section. This commitment would be at most 2 hours per week, and we would offer discussions at varying times such that people in all time zones could attend discussion at a time that works for them.

Q. What are the official prerequisites for this course?

A. The official list of prerequisites is:

  • Data 8.

  • CS 61A or CS88 or Engineering 7. We strongly recommend either CS 61A or CS 88.

  • EE 16A or Math 54 or Stat 89A. This may be satisfied concurrently with Data 100, but we strongly recommend that you finish a linear algebra course before taking Data 100.

Q. Will the official prerequisites be enforced?

A. The official prerequisites will not be enforced in terms of enrollment. However, we expect knowledge from the official prerequisites for the course itself. In particular, we expect students to have taken Data 8 and assume that students have mastered the content from it.

Q. What is the proctoring policy given the online nature of the course?

A. We will offer each exam on two timezones, to be taken synchronously. No Zoom/video proctoring will be used, but we will deploy multiple measures to detect cheating and will enforce the campus policies aggressively, including severe grade penalties and reporting to the Office of Student Conduct for further disciplinary action.

Q. What is the alternate exam policy?

A. Each exam will be offered in two timeslots, roughly corresponding to the morning and evening in Pacific Time, to accommodate for timezone differences. Everyone must be able to make one of these two timeslots; we will not be offering additional alternates to accommodate for class conflicts.

Q. When will the full schedule of labs and discussions be announced?

A. We are still developing the schedule and logistics; we will post a complete version by the first day of class on Monday, June 21.

Q. Where can I find information about the Fall 2021 offering of Data 100?

A. Not here. Not much has been decided yet, but stay tuned to the Data 001 Piazza.

Q. Who do I contact if I have further questions?

A. Please e-mail data100 DOT instructors AT berkeley DOT edu, and one of the instructors will get back to you.

We’re excited to have you in the class this summer!

Isaac and Raguvir