%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Let's start by loading the California baby names again.
import urllib.request
import os.path
import zipfile
data_url = "https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/state/namesbystate.zip"
local_filename = "babynamesbystate.zip"
if not os.path.exists(local_filename): # if the data exists don't download again
with urllib.request.urlopen(data_url) as resp, open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(local_filename, 'r')
ca_name = 'CA.TXT'
field_names = ['State', 'Sex', 'Year', 'Name', 'Count']
with zf.open(ca_name) as fh:
babynames = pd.read_csv(fh, header=None, names=field_names)
Goal 1: Find the most popular baby name in California in 2018
babynames[babynames["Year"] == 2018].sort_values(by = "Count", ascending = False).head(5)
starts_with_j = [x[0] == 'J' for x in babynames["Name"]]
j_names = babynames[[x[0] == 'J' for x in babynames["Name"]]]
starts_with_j = babynames["Name"].str.startswith('J')
In-lecture challenge: Try to write a line of code that creates a list (or Series or array) of all names that end with “ert”.
Suppose we want to sort all baby names in California by their length.
As before, there are ways to do this using only lecture 5 content. For example, the montrosity below was concocted during the Sp19 version of this class.
babynames.iloc[[i for i, m in sorted(enumerate(babynames['Name']), key=lambda x: -len(x[1]))]].head(5)
Create a new series of only the lengths. Then add that series to the dataframe as a column. Then sort by that column. Then drop that column.
#create a new series of only the lengths
babyname_lengths = babynames["Name"].str.len()
#add that series to the dataframe as a column
babynames["name_lengths"] = babyname_lengths
#sort by the temporary column
babynames = babynames.sort_values(by = "name_lengths", ascending=False)
#drop the temporary column
babynames = babynames.drop("name_lengths", axis = 1)
We can also use the Python map function if we want to use an arbitrarily defined function. Suppose we want to sort by the number of occurrences of "dr" plus the number of occurences of "ea".
def dr_ea_count(string):
return string.count('dr') + string.count('ea')
#create the temporary column
babynames["dr_ea_count"] = babynames["Name"].map(dr_ea_count)
#sort by the temporary column
babynames = babynames.sort_values(by = "dr_ea_count", ascending=False)
#drop that column
babynames = babynames.drop("dr_ea_count", 1)
# anything else you all want to try?
#let's start over by first scrambling the order of babynames
babynames = babynames.sample(frac=1)
Another approach is to take advantage of the fact that .loc can accept an index. That is:
The first step was to create a sequence of the lengths of the names.
name_lengths = babynames["Name"].str.len()
The next step is to sort the new series we just created.
name_lengths_sorted_by_length = name_lengths.sort_values()
Next, we pass the index of the sorted series to the loc method of the original dataframe.
index_sorted_by_length = name_lengths_sorted_by_length.index
Note we can also do this all in one line:
First we need to define change in popularity.
For the purposes of lecture, let’s stay simple and use the AMMD (absolute max/min difference): max(count) - min(count).
To make sure we understand this quantity, let's consider the name Jennifer.
jennifer_counts = babynames.query("Name == 'Jennifer'")["Count"]
The AMMD for Jennifer is 6,061, as seen below:
max(jennifer_counts) - min(jennifer_counts)
def ammd(series):
return max(series) - min(series)
As a first approach, we can try to use a for loop.
#build dictionary where entry i is the ammd for the given name
#e.g. ammd["jennifer"] should be 6061
#ammd_of_babyname_counts = {}
#for name in ??:
# counts_of_current_name = babynames[??]["Count"]
# ammd_of_babyname_counts[name] = ammd(counts_of_current_name)
#convert to series
#ammd_of_babyname_counts = pd.Series(ammd_of_babyname_counts)
Answer below. Note that we only used the first 100 names because otherwise the code takes ages to complete running.
#build dictionary where entry i is the ammd for the given name
#e.g. ammd["jennifer"] should be 6061
ammd_of_babyname_counts = {}
for name in sorted(babynames["Name"].unique())[0:100]:
counts_of_current_name = babynames[babynames["Name"] == name]["Count"]
ammd_of_babyname_counts[name] = ammd(counts_of_current_name)
#convert to series
ammd_of_babyname_counts = pd.Series(ammd_of_babyname_counts)
Instead, we can use the very powerful groupby.agg operation, which allows us to simply and efficiently compute what we want.
Note that the result includes both a Year and Count column. The Count column is what we want, namely the AMMD for the name in that row. To check your understanding, try to figure out what the Year column represents.
To understand how groupby works, consider the visual diagram below. The groupby
function clusters rows from the original dataframe into groups (which I call subframes). The agg
function then condenses each subframe into a single representative row using the provided function f.
Groupby puzzle #1: To test your understanding, try to interpret the result of the code below.
For reference, the first 5 values from the plot above are:
elections = pd.read_csv("elections.csv")
We have to be careful when using aggregation functions. For example, the code below might be misinterpreted to say that Woodrow Wilson ran for election in 2016. Why is this happening?
Inspired by above, try to predict the results of the groupby operation shown. The answer is below the image.
The top ?? will be "hi", the second ?? will be "tx", and the third ?? will be "sd".
Next we'll write code that properly returns the best result by each party. That is, each row should show the Year, Candidate, Popular Vote, Result, and % for the election in which that party saw its best results (rather than mixing them as in the example above).
#def get_first(s):
# return s.iloc[0]
#elections_sorted_by_percent = elections.sort_values("%", ascending=False)
#elections_sorted_by_percent.groupby("Party").agg(lambda x : x.iloc[0])
Suppose we want to find the total number of male and female babies born each year in California.
Try to figure out how we'd do this using groupby.
It is possible to group a DataFrame by multiple features. For example, if we group by Year and Sex we get back a DataFrame with the total number of babies of each sex born in each year.
babynames.groupby(["Year", "Sex"]).agg(sum).head(6)
The DataFrame resulting from the aggregation operation is now multi-indexed. That is, it has more than one dimension to its index. We will explore this in next week's exercises.
#size returns a Series giving the size of each group
# filter gives a copy of the original DataFrame where row r is included
# if its group obeys the given condition
# Note: Filtering is done per GROUP, not per ROW.
elections.groupby("Year").filter(lambda sf: sf["%"].max() < 45)
As an alternative to groupby.agg(sum), we can also simply do groupby.sum().
The same applies for many other common operations.
Suppose we want to build a table showing the total number of babies born of each sex in each year. One way is to groupby using both columns of interest.
babynames.groupby(["Year", "Sex"]).agg(sum).head(6)
A more natural approach is to use a pivot table (like we saw in data 8).
babynames_pivot = babynames.pivot_table(
index='Year', # the rows (turned into index)
columns='Sex', # the column values
values='Count', # the field(s) to processed in each group
aggfunc=np.max, # group operation
The basic idea behind pivot tables is shown in the image below.
In goal 1, we didn't take into account the unlikely possibility that the most popular name was actually spread across both birth sexes. For example, what if in the table below it turns out that there were 300 female Noahs born in CA in 2018. In that case, Noah would actually be the most popular.
Since our queries are getting pretty long, I've stuck them inside parentheses which allows us to spread them over many lines.
babynames[babynames["Year"] == 2018]
.sort_values(by = "Count", ascending = False)
Try to add a single line to the operation above so that each row represents the sum of male and female babies born in 2018 with that name. To do this, fill in the ??? below.
babynames[babynames["Year"] == 2018]
.sort_values(by = "Count", ascending = False)