
If you are having trouble viewing the calendars below and are using Safari, we suggest switching to an alternate browser (like Chrome). Alternatively, you can go to Safari settings and switch “Prevent cross-site tracking” off, or you can see the Office Hours Calendar here and the Lecture, Discussion, and Special Events Calendar here.

Lecture, Discussion, and Special Events Calendar

This calendar contains times for

  • Lectures (in brown)
  • In-person discussion sections (in purple)
  • Remote discussion sections (in blue)

Office Hours Calendar

In-person office hours are in blue, while virtual office hours are in brown. You should come to these with questions about anything – labs, homeworks, discussions, concepts, etc.

Graduate project office hours are in purple; we offer both in-person and virtual office hours (check the event description).

Almost all office hours will be held in-person in Warren Hall 101B. A small, limited portion of office hours are listed as online, primarily to accommodate online/remote students. From our experience in previous semesters, the office hour experience in-person is much better (and much, much faster) than online.

To access in-person office hours, go to the room in the location of the office hour slot you’re planning on attending.

To access virtual office hours, place your ticket on the queue and then join the call with the “Join Call” button when your name is pulled.

Instructor office hours with Prof. Grossman and Prof. Norouzi appear in green. You should come to these with questions about concepts.