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Note: Consult the calendar for the most up-to-date office hours. All GSI Office Hours will be held in Warren 101B.
Course Staff Email
Contact course staff via Ed with any questions or concerns. For sensitive matters, the staff email address is monitored by the instructors and a few lead TAs.

Joseph E. Gonzalez
Office Hours: Tuesdays from 3:00PM to 4:30PM in Soda 773 (Starting Jan 23rd)

Narges Norouzi
Office Hours: Mondays 10:00AM - 11:00AM in Soda 775
Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:30PM in Warren Hall (Room 101-BC)

Shiny Weng
Hi! I’m Shiny, a senior majoring in Computer Science and Statistics. Super excited to meet you all this spring, and I hope you love Data 100 as much as we do. Ask me for doggo pics! :’) <3

Angela Feng
Hi! I’m a senior studying computer science and data science. In my free time, I like to listen to music, make the most out of my Netflix account (let me know if you have shows recs), and have recently gotten into 3d origami! I look forward to meeting y’all! :)

Ishani Gupta
Hi! I’m Ishani, and I’m a junior studying Economics and Data Science. I enjoy baking and crocheting stuffed animals in my free time, and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!

Nikhil Ghosh
Nikhil Ghosh is a PhD student in the Statistics department at UC Berkeley working with Bin Yu and Song Mei. His main research interest is the theory of deep learning.

Simon Mo
Simon is a graduate student researching Cloud and LLM Systems, talk to me if you are interested in CS system research!

Charlie Ji
Hi all! I’m Charlie, a junior studying Computer Science and Data Science from Shanghai, China. This is my fourth semester on the Data 100 course staff. I love making music, playing board games, exploring great food spots, and embarking on all kinds of outdoor adventures. Feel free to reach out to me about anything—super excited to meet you all!

Shreya Gupta
Hello everyone! I’m a Computer Science and Data Science (Honors) double major. The impact of Data100 on my academic journey has been nothing short of transformative, and I’m truly excited to have the chance to connect with each of you. My goal? To make this experience as fantastic for you as it was for me. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all, would love to get to know you all- cheers!

Aneesh Durai
Hello hello! I’m Aneesh, and I’m very excited to be working with you this semester!

Jessica Hsu
Hello! I’m Jessica, a junior majoring in computer science. I enjoy hiking, binge watching random shows, and eating bread :)) Super excited to meet everyone!

Lillian Weng
Hello, I’m a senior studying CS and Data Science. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Prabhleen Kaur
Hey everyone! I’m a 3rd year Data Science major interested in healthcare. Some of my favorite things are Sikh music, spotting big birds in the sky, and putting stickers on stuff :)

Pragnay Nevatia
Hi! I’m a senior majoring in Chemical Engineering. Very excited to teach Data 100 again and meet you all this Spring! : )

Yash Dave
Hi! I’m Yash, a junior majoring in Applied Math and CS with a minor in Public Policy. Excited to teach Data 100 this fall!

Abby O'Neill
Very excited to be here! In my third year studying CS and DS, and happiest when I’m in nature, surrounded by friends and food.

Brandon Huang
roses are redI have to work on Sundayif you’re reading thisI’m a DATA 100 TA

Claire Ding
Hi there, this is Claire :D I’m a junior studying CS and DS. In my free time, I like to explore new coffee shops and hang out with friends. Can’t wait to meet y’all!

Sakshi Kolli
Hi! I’m Sakshi, a junior majoring in Data Science and Economics. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer, watching sports, and playing the drums. Hope you all enjoy this amazing class!

Aanvi Kothari
Hi, I’m Aanvi! I’m from Calcutta, India and am majoring in CS. I like to swim, play golf and find new music when I’m free. Hope you all enjoy this class as much as I did:)

Aditi Somayajula
Hello! I am a fourth-year majoring in Computer Science. Looking forward to this semester!

Aisha Gupta
Hi everyone, I’m a third year studying Data Science! I love watching marvel movies, reading, hiking, and binging sitcoms!

Alena Chao
Hi! I’m Alena and I’m a sophomore studying EECS and data science, looking forward to meeting you all :)

Anshul Jambula
Hi everyone! I’m a second year double majoring in Computer Science and Data Science. Excited to work with you guys this semester!

Ayesha Mahfuz
Hi! My name is Ayesha Mahfuz and I am currently a sophomore majoring in Computer Science and Data Science. Data 100 has been one of my favorite courses I have taken at Berkeley so far and I am really excited to be on course staff this semester. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the class or Berkeley in general, I am always open to chat!

Boris Fan
Hi everyone, I’m Boyu(Boris), studying Data Science and Statistics. Let’s embrace the possibilities in Data Science!

Chetan Goenka
Hi y’all! I’m a fourth year majoring in cs. In my free time i love to bike in the berkeley hills, listen to music, and explore the bay area. I really enjoyed my time in data 100 and i hope all you of do too!

Dan Nguyen
Hoi hoi! I’m a sophomore majoring in Computer Science, and I like to waste my money of coffee shops for the vibe <3333. Eager to meet you all!

Derry Xu
Hello everyone, my name is Derry. I’m a Junior studying CS/DS/Stats. Looking forward to our semester together!

Emrie Loh
I’m a second year data science major. Excited to be a part of course staff for the first time.

Ian Dong
Hi! My name is Ian, and I’m a third year majoring in computer science and data science. In my free time, I love to play basketball, tennis, binging Netflix shows, and enjoying time with friends and family. I’m always looking to explore any TV shows to binge so hit me up with any suggestions!

Joel Cisneros
Hi! I’m a junior majoring in Computer Science. Looking forward to a great semester!

Julianna Lee
hello! i’m a third year studying data science who plays tons of basketball, crochets, and occasionally runs on college ave.

Malavikha Sudarshan
hello :) i’m a third-year majoring in computer science and art practice, with a minor in data science. i’m also from scotland, in the uk! i love baking, painting and lifting :p

Nehal Sindhu
Hi! I’m a junior studying Data Science and Public Health. Data 100 has been my favorite course so far, and I hope to share my love for it with you!! Apart from that, I love pandas (the animal more than the library), matcha, concerts, and Thai food!

Nikhil Reddy
Hey! I’m a junior majoring in chemical engineering. Looking forward to a great semester!

Nitya Adapala
Hello! I’m Nitya and I’m a third year majoring in Computer Science. In my free time, I love exploring new cuisines and trying out new restaurants so let me know if you have any recs! Data 100 was one of my favourite classes at Berkeley so I hope you all enjoy it too. Looking forward to meeting you all! :)

Qijun Li
Hi I’m a junior majoring in CS and applied math. Hope y’all enjoy Data 100 this semester ^^

Rahul Sharma
Hi everyone, I’m Rahul and I’m a junior studying computer science. Looking forward to a great semester!

Rayna Bhattacharyya
Hey everyone! I’m a sophomore studying CS and Data science. I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

Rishi Khare
Hi, I’m a third year studying CS + DS from Dallas, TX. Excited to meet you all!

Ritik Sinha
Hello! I’m a junior studying computer science - super excited for an amazing semester!

Sarah Kiefer
Hey guys! I’m a third year double majoring in Data Science and Economics and this is my 4th semester teaching but my first time for Data 100. I love baking, reality TV, playing any kind of sport, and hanging out with friends.

Sarika Pasumarthy
Hi everyone I’m a sophomore studying computer science and data science, this is my second time on course staff and I’m super hyped!! Feel free to reach out for anything or to talk about good mystery novel or romcom recs :D

Satwika Paul
Hi! I’m a sophomore studying Computer Science and Data Science from Chicago. Super excited for this semester :)

Shashwat Bansal
Hi, I’m Shashwat, a junior studying CS/DS/Math from New Delhi. I enjoy learning foreign languages, working out and watching movies in my free time.

Tyler Zhao
Hello! I’m a sophomore doing a double major in CS and statistics. I like going on new hiking trails and following both kinds of football in my spare time.

Victor Shi
Hi! I’m a junior majoring in CS and Stats. I like playing basketball, poker, and going to the gym in my free time. Looking forward to getting to meet everyone!

Xiaorui Liu
Hi! I’m a third year CS, Data Science, and History major. This is my first semester on Data100 but previously I’ve been CS70 and DataC104 staff. Some of my personal interests include digital humanities, cooking, and listening to music. I hope y’all have an amazing semester!

YuCian Liu
Hi! I’m a second year studying CS and design. I’m 95% confident that my love for matcha is real.