import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
In this notebook we briefly review the normal equations, introduce the scikit-learn framework, evaluation metrics, and describe methods to visualize model fit.
To enable easy visualization of the model fitting process we will use a simple synthetic data set.
data = pd.read_csv("data/synthetic_data.csv")
X0 | X1 | Y | |
0 | -1.254599 | 4.507143 | 0.669332 |
1 | 2.319939 | 0.986585 | 5.430523 |
2 | -3.439814 | -3.440055 | 7.640933 |
3 | -4.419164 | 3.661761 | -1.836007 |
4 | 1.011150 | 2.080726 | 6.148833 |
We can visualize the data in three dimensions:
data_scatter = go.Scatter3d(x=data["X0"], y=data["X1"], z=data["Y"],
layout = dict(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0),
scene = dict(xaxis_title='X0', yaxis_title='X1', zaxis_title='Y'))
go.Figure([data_scatter], layout)
Given a model of the form:
$$ \hat{\mathbb{Y}} = f_\theta(\mathbb{X}) = \mathbb{X} \theta $$and taking the average squared loss over our data:
$$ R(\theta) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \left(\mathbb{Y}_i - (\mathbb{X}\theta)_i\right)^2 $$In lecture, we showed that the $\hat{\theta}$ that minimizes this loss:
$$ \hat{\theta} = \arg\min_\theta R(\theta) $$is given by the solution to the normal equations:
$$ \hat{\theta} = \left( \mathbb{X}^T \mathbb{X} \right)^{-1} \mathbb{X}^T \mathbb{Y} $$We can directly implement this expression using standard linear algebra routines:
from numpy.linalg import inv
def ordinary_least_squares(X, Y):
return inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ Y
theta_hat = ordinary_least_squares(data[["X0", "X1"]], data[["Y"]])
Y | |
0 | 0.166823 |
1 | -0.603339 |
A more efficient way to solve the normal equations is using the solve
function to solve the linear systems:
can be simplified to:
$$ A \theta = b $$where $A=\mathbb{X}^T \mathbb{X}$ and $b=\mathbb{X}^T \mathbb{Y}$:
from numpy.linalg import solve
def ordinary_least_squares(X, Y):
return solve(X.T @ X, X.T @ Y)
theta_hat = ordinary_least_squares(data[["X0", "X1"]], data[["Y"]])
array([[ 0.16682271], [-0.60333908]])
Notice that this second implementation produces a numpy array? This is because Pandas actually implements inversion but the solve routine is entirely in numpy.
We can use our $\hat{\theta}$ to make predictions:
$$ \hat{y} = X \hat{\theta} $$data["Yhat"] = data[["X0", "X1"]] @ theta_hat
X0 | X1 | Y | Yhat | |
0 | -1.254599 | 4.507143 | 0.669332 | -2.928631 |
1 | 2.319939 | 0.986585 | 5.430523 | -0.208227 |
2 | -3.439814 | -3.440055 | 7.640933 | 1.501680 |
3 | -4.419164 | 3.661761 | -1.836007 | -2.946501 |
4 | 1.011150 | 2.080726 | 6.148833 | -1.086700 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | 2.994159 | 1.946965 | 5.910233 | -0.675186 |
496 | -2.278549 | 0.902307 | 4.166517 | -0.924511 |
497 | -1.390261 | -4.084179 | 8.897440 | 2.232218 |
498 | 4.173136 | -3.631814 | 4.823716 | 2.887389 |
499 | 4.502374 | -0.539942 | 5.124975 | 1.076866 |
500 rows × 4 columns
How good are our predictions? We can plot $Y$ vs $\hat{Y}$
fig = px.scatter(data, x="Yhat", y="Y")
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[-5,5], y=[-5,5], name="y=yhat"))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title ="Yhat")
We can also plot the residual distribution.
data['residuals'] = data['Y'] - data['Yhat']
X0 | X1 | Y | Yhat | residuals | |
0 | -1.254599 | 4.507143 | 0.669332 | -2.928631 | 3.597963 |
1 | 2.319939 | 0.986585 | 5.430523 | -0.208227 | 5.638749 |
2 | -3.439814 | -3.440055 | 7.640933 | 1.501680 | 6.139253 |
3 | -4.419164 | 3.661761 | -1.836007 | -2.946501 | 1.110494 |
4 | 1.011150 | 2.080726 | 6.148833 | -1.086700 | 7.235534 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | 2.994159 | 1.946965 | 5.910233 | -0.675186 | 6.585419 |
496 | -2.278549 | 0.902307 | 4.166517 | -0.924511 | 5.091027 |
497 | -1.390261 | -4.084179 | 8.897440 | 2.232218 | 6.665222 |
498 | 4.173136 | -3.631814 | 4.823716 | 2.887389 | 1.936327 |
499 | 4.502374 | -0.539942 | 5.124975 | 1.076866 | 4.048109 |
500 rows × 5 columns
px.histogram(data, x='residuals', nbins=100)
For the synthetic data set we can visualize the model in three dimensions. To do this we will use the following plotting function that at evenly space grid points in for X0
and X1
def make_surface(f, X, grid_points = 30, name="Linear Model"):
u = np.linspace(X[:,0].min(),X[:,0].max(), grid_points)
v = np.linspace(X[:,1].min(),X[:,1].max(), grid_points)
xu, xv = np.meshgrid(u,v)
X = np.vstack((xu.flatten(),xv.flatten())).transpose()
z = f(X)
return go.Surface(x=xu, y=xv, z=z.reshape(xu.shape), opacity=0.8, name=name, showscale=False)
Plotting the data and the plane
simple_plane = make_surface(
lambda X: X @ theta_hat,
data[["X0", "X1"]].to_numpy(),
go.Figure([data_scatter, simple_plane], layout)
Notice that the plane is constrained to pass through the origin. To fix this, we will need to add a constant term to the model. However, to simplify the process let's switch to using the scikit-learn python library for our modeling.
In this class, we introduce the normal equations as well as several other algorithms to provide some insight behind how these techniques work and perhaps more importantly how they fail. However, in practice you will seldom need to implement the core algorithms and will instead use various machine learning software packages. In this class, we will focus on the widely used scikit-learn package.
Scikit-learn, or as the cool kids call it sklearn (pronounced s-k-learn), is an large package of useful machine learning algorithms. For this lecture, we will use the LinearRegression
model in the linear_model
module. The fact that there is an entire module with many different models within the linear_model
module might suggest that we have a lot to cover still (we do!).
What you should know about sklearn
model = SuperCoolModelType(args)[['X1' 'X1']], df[['Y']])
model.predict(df2[['X1' 'X1']])
The neat part about sklearn is most models behave like this. So if you want to try a cool new model you just change the class of mode you are using.
We import the LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
Create an instance of the model. This time we will add an intercept term to the model directly.
model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)
Fit the model by passing it the $X$ and $Y$ data:[["X0", "X1"]], data[["Y"]])
array([[ 0.34667351, -0.68472445]])
Make some predictions and even save them back to the original DataFrame
data['Yhat_sklearn'] = model.predict(data[["X0", "X1"]])
X0 | X1 | Y | Yhat | residuals | Yhat_sklearn | |
0 | -1.254599 | 4.507143 | 0.669332 | -2.928631 | 3.597963 | 1.355527 |
1 | 2.319939 | 0.986585 | 5.430523 | -0.208227 | 5.638749 | 5.005337 |
2 | -3.439814 | -3.440055 | 7.640933 | 1.501680 | 6.139253 | 6.039611 |
3 | -4.419164 | 3.661761 | -1.836007 | -2.946501 | 1.110494 | 0.837309 |
4 | 1.011150 | 2.080726 | 6.148833 | -1.086700 | 7.235534 | 3.802429 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | 2.994159 | 1.946965 | 5.910233 | -0.675186 | 6.585419 | 4.581475 |
496 | -2.278549 | 0.902307 | 4.166517 | -0.924511 | 5.091027 | 3.468870 |
497 | -1.390261 | -4.084179 | 8.897440 | 2.232218 | 6.665222 | 7.191185 |
498 | 4.173136 | -3.631814 | 4.823716 | 2.887389 | 1.936327 | 8.810121 |
499 | 4.502374 | -0.539942 | 5.124975 | 1.076866 | 4.048109 | 6.807179 |
500 rows × 6 columns
Analyzing the fit again:
fig = px.scatter(data, x="Yhat_sklearn", y="Y")
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0,10], y=[0,10], name="y=yhat"))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title ="yhat")
We can also plot the residual distribution.
data['residuals_sklearn'] = data['Y'] - data['Yhat_sklearn']
X0 | X1 | Y | Yhat | residuals | Yhat_sklearn | residuals_sklearn | |
0 | -1.254599 | 4.507143 | 0.669332 | -2.928631 | 3.597963 | 1.355527 | -0.686195 |
1 | 2.319939 | 0.986585 | 5.430523 | -0.208227 | 5.638749 | 5.005337 | 0.425186 |
2 | -3.439814 | -3.440055 | 7.640933 | 1.501680 | 6.139253 | 6.039611 | 1.601322 |
3 | -4.419164 | 3.661761 | -1.836007 | -2.946501 | 1.110494 | 0.837309 | -2.673316 |
4 | 1.011150 | 2.080726 | 6.148833 | -1.086700 | 7.235534 | 3.802429 | 2.346404 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
495 | 2.994159 | 1.946965 | 5.910233 | -0.675186 | 6.585419 | 4.581475 | 1.328758 |
496 | -2.278549 | 0.902307 | 4.166517 | -0.924511 | 5.091027 | 3.468870 | 0.697647 |
497 | -1.390261 | -4.084179 | 8.897440 | 2.232218 | 6.665222 | 7.191185 | 1.706255 |
498 | 4.173136 | -3.631814 | 4.823716 | 2.887389 | 1.936327 | 8.810121 | -3.986405 |
499 | 4.502374 | -0.539942 | 5.124975 | 1.076866 | 4.048109 | 6.807179 | -1.682204 |
500 rows × 7 columns
px.histogram(data['residuals_sklearn'], nbins=100)
plane_with_bias = make_surface(model.predict,
data[["X0", "X1"]].to_numpy(),
name="Plane with Bias")
go.Figure([data_scatter, simple_plane, plane_with_bias], layout)
As we tune the features in our model it will be important to define some useful error metrics.
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
print("Mean Squared Error:",
mean_squared_error(data["Y"], data["Yhat_sklearn"]))
Mean Squared Error: 3.7756044320694873
print("Mean Absolute Error:",
mean_absolute_error(data["Y"], data["Yhat_sklearn"]))
Mean Absolute Error: 1.5446935067491216
print("Root Mean Squared Error:",
np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(data["Y"], data["Yhat_sklearn"])))
Root Mean Squared Error: 1.9430914626104163
print("Standard Deviation of Residuals:",
Standard Deviation of Residuals: 1.9430914626104165
As we play with the model we might want a standard visualization
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
def evaluate_model(predict, grid_points=30):
# Compute Y and Yhat
Y = data["Y"].to_numpy()
Yhat = predict(data[["X0", "X1"]].to_numpy()).flatten()
# Compute and print error metrics
print("Mean Absolute Error:", mean_absolute_error(Y, Yhat))
print("Root Mean Squared Error:", np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Y, Yhat)))
# Make Side by Side Plots
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2,
specs=[[{'type': 'scene'}, {'type': 'xy'}]])
fig.add_trace(data_scatter, row=1, col=1)
surf = make_surface(predict,
data[["X0", "X1"]].to_numpy(),
fig.add_trace(surf, row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=Yhat, y=Y, mode="markers"), row=1, col=2)
ymin = np.min([np.min(Y), np.min(Yhat)])
ymax = np.max([np.max(Y), np.max(Yhat)])
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[ymin,ymax], y=[ymin,ymax], name="y=yhat"))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title ="yhat", yaxis_title="Y")
Examining our latest model:
evaluate_model(model.predict, grid_points=5)
Mean Absolute Error: 1.5446935067491216 Root Mean Squared Error: 1.9430914626104163
Our first model without the intercept term:
no_intercept_model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)[["X0", "X1"]], data[["Y"]])
evaluate_model(no_intercept_model.predict, grid_points=5)
Mean Absolute Error: 4.814916851370774 Root Mean Squared Error: 5.217264403053303
Examining the above data we see that there is some periodic structure as well as some curvature. Can we fit this data with a linear model?