by Lisa Yan
Content from Lisa Yan, Suraj Rampure, Ani Adhikari, and Data 8 Textbook Chapter 15
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import as px
import plotly.graph_objs as go
Recreate the 4 correlation plots in slides (Normally this wouldn't be in the notebook, but it might be of interest to you.)
Note: We use np.corrcoef
to compute the correlation coefficient $r$, though we could also compute manually too.
# set random seed recreate same random points as slides
np.random.seed(43)'default') # revert style to default mpl
def plot_and_get_corr(ax, x, y, title):
ax.set_xlim(-3, 3)
ax.set_ylim(-3, 3)
ax.scatter(x, y, alpha=0.73)
return np.corrcoef(x, y)[0, 1]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(10,10))
# just noise
x1, y1 = np.random.randn(2, 100)
corr1 = plot_and_get_corr(axs[0, 0], x1, y1, title="noise")
# strong linear
x2 = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
y2 = x2*0.5 - 1 + np.random.randn(100)*0.3
corr2 = plot_and_get_corr(axs[0, 1], x2, y2, title="strong linear")
# unequal spread
x3 = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
y3 = - x3/3 + np.random.randn(100)*(x3)/2.5
corr3 = plot_and_get_corr(axs[1, 0], x3, y3, title="strong linear")
extent = axs[1, 0].get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
fig.savefig('ax3_figure.png', bbox_inches=extent)
# strong non-linear
x4 = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
y4 = 2*np.sin(x3 - 1.5) + np.random.randn(100)*0.3
corr4 = plot_and_get_corr(axs[1, 1], x4, y4, title="strong non-linear")
# extent = axs[1, 1].get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
# fig.savefig('ax4_figure.png', bbox_inches=extent)
print([corr1, corr2, corr3, corr4])
[-0.12066459676011669, 0.9508258477335819, -0.7230212909978788, 0.056355714456301234]'fivethirtyeight')
lw = pd.read_csv("little_women.csv")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.gca()
sns.scatterplot(data=lw, x="Periods", y="Characters", ax=ax)
xlims = np.array([50, 450])
params = [[5000, 100], [50000, -50], [-4000, 150]]
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(params):
ax.plot(xlims, a + b * xlims, lw=2, label=f"{i+1}. (a: {a}, b: {b})")
# the best parameters weren't one of the choices
ahat_true, bhat_true = 4745, 87
First, let's implement the tools we'll need for regression.
def standard_units(x):
return (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x)
def correlation(x, y):
return np.mean(standard_units(x) * standard_units(y))
Let's read in our data. The data is pulled from Chapter 15 of Data 8 (textbook chapter) and are based on the famous 1885 study of Francis Galton exploring the relationship between the heights of adult children and the heights of their parents (Regression towards Mediocrity, 1885: JSTOR link).
df = pd.read_csv('galton.csv')
parent | child | |
0 | 75.43 | 73.2 |
1 | 75.43 | 69.2 |
2 | 75.43 | 69.0 |
3 | 75.43 | 69.0 |
4 | 73.66 | 73.5 |
... | ... | ... |
929 | 66.64 | 64.0 |
930 | 66.64 | 62.0 |
931 | 66.64 | 61.0 |
932 | 65.27 | 66.5 |
933 | 65.27 | 57.0 |
934 rows × 2 columns
np.mean(df['parent']), np.mean(df['child'])
(69.20677301927195, 66.74593147751605)
fig = px.scatter(df, x= 'parent', y = 'child')
Using our correlation
correlation(df['parent'], df['child'])
Using an in-built correlation
np.corrcoef(df['parent'], df['child'])
array([[1. , 0.3209499], [0.3209499, 1. ]])
parent | child | |
parent | 1.00000 | 0.32095 |
child | 0.32095 | 1.00000 |
def slope(x, y):
return correlation(x, y) * np.std(y) / np.std(x)
def intercept(x, y):
return np.mean(y) - slope(x, y)*np.mean(x)
ahat = intercept(df['parent'], df['child'])
bhat = slope(df['parent'], df['child'])
print("predicted y = {} + {} * average parent's height".format(np.round(ahat, 2), np.round(bhat, 2)))
predicted y = 22.64 + 0.64 * average parent's height
Let's see what our linear model looks like.
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df['parent'], y = df['child'], mode = 'markers', name = 'actual'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = df['parent'], y = ahat + bhat*df['parent'], name = 'linear model', line=dict(color='red')))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title = 'MidParent Height', yaxis_title = 'Child Height')
Note: The cool thing about plotly is that you can hover over the points and it will tell you whether it is a prediction or actual value.
# helper functions
def fit_least_squares(x, y):
ahat = intercept(x, y)
bhat = slope(x, y)
return ahat, bhat
def predict(x, ahat, bhat):
return ahat + bhat*x
def compute_mse(y, yhat):
return np.mean((y - yhat)**2)
Below we define least_squares_evaluation
which:'default') # revert style to default mpl
def least_squares_evaluation(x, y, visualize=NO_VIZ):
# statistics
print(f"x_mean : {np.mean(x):.2f}, y_mean : {np.mean(y):.2f}")
print(f"x_stdev: {np.std(x):.2f}, y_stdev: {np.std(y):.2f}")
print(f"r = Correlation(x, y): {correlation(x, y):.3f}")
# performance metrics
ahat, bhat = fit_least_squares(x, y)
yhat = predict(x, ahat, bhat)
print(f"ahat: {ahat:.2f}, bhat: {bhat:.2f}")
print(f"RMSE: {np.sqrt(compute_mse(y, yhat)):.3f}")
# visualization
fig, ax_resid = None, None
if visualize == RESID_SCATTER:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8, 3))
axs[0].scatter(x, y)
axs[0].plot(x, yhat)
axs[0].set_title("LS fit")
ax_resid = axs[1]
elif visualize == RESID:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
ax_resid = plt.gca()
if ax_resid is not None:
ax_resid.scatter(x, y - yhat, color = 'red')
ax_resid.plot([4, 14], [0, 0], color = 'black')
return fig
Let's first try just doing linear fit without visualizing data.
Note: Computation without visualization is NOT a good practice! We are doing the three evaluation steps out of order to highlight the importance of visualization.
Here are the evaluation steps in order:
# Load in four different datasets: I, II, III, IV
anscombe = sns.load_dataset('anscombe')
I 11 II 11 III 11 IV 11 Name: dataset, dtype: int64
for dataset in ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']:
print(f">>> Dataset {dataset}:")
ans = anscombe[anscombe['dataset'] == dataset]
least_squares_evaluation(ans['x'], ans['y'], visualize=NO_VIZ)
>>> Dataset I: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119 >>> Dataset II: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119 >>> Dataset III: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118 >>> Dataset IV: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.817 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
Wow, looks like all four datasets have the same:
for dataset in ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']:
print(f">>> Dataset {dataset}:")
ans = anscombe[anscombe['dataset'] == dataset]
fig = least_squares_evaluation(ans['x'], ans['y'], visualize=RESID)
>>> Dataset I: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119
>>> Dataset II: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119
>>> Dataset III: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
>>> Dataset IV: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.817 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
for dataset in ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']:
print(f">>> Dataset {dataset}:")
ans = anscombe[anscombe['dataset'] == dataset]
fig = least_squares_evaluation(ans['x'], ans['y'], visualize=RESID_SCATTER)
>>> Dataset I: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119
>>> Dataset II: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119
>>> Dataset III: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
>>> Dataset IV: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.817 ahat: 3.00, bhat: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118