%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Pandas has a number of very useful file reading tools. You can see them enumerated by typing "pd.re" and pressing tab. We'll be using read_csv today.
elections = pd.read_csv("elections.csv")
elections # if we end a cell with an expression or variable name, the result will print
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic-Republican | 151271 | loss | 57.210122 |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican | 113142 | win | 42.789878 |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 642806 | win | 56.203927 |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican | 500897 | loss | 43.796073 |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 702735 | win | 54.574789 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
177 | 2016 | Jill Stein | Green | 1457226 | loss | 1.073699 |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | Democratic | 81268924 | win | 51.311515 |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | Republican | 74216154 | loss | 46.858542 |
180 | 2020 | Jo Jorgensen | Libertarian | 1865724 | loss | 1.177979 |
181 | 2020 | Howard Hawkins | Green | 405035 | loss | 0.255731 |
182 rows × 6 columns
As a simple indexing example, consider the code below, which returns the first 5 rows of the DataFrame.
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic-Republican | 151271 | loss | 57.210122 |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican | 113142 | win | 42.789878 |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 642806 | win | 56.203927 |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican | 500897 | loss | 43.796073 |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 702735 | win | 54.574789 |
We can also use the head command to return only a few rows of a dataframe.
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic-Republican | 151271 | loss | 57.210122 |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican | 113142 | win | 42.789878 |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 642806 | win | 56.203927 |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican | 500897 | loss | 43.796073 |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 702735 | win | 54.574789 |
Or the tail command to get the last so many rows.
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
177 | 2016 | Jill Stein | Green | 1457226 | loss | 1.073699 |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | Democratic | 81268924 | win | 51.311515 |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | Republican | 74216154 | loss | 46.858542 |
180 | 2020 | Jo Jorgensen | Libertarian | 1865724 | loss | 1.177979 |
181 | 2020 | Howard Hawkins | Green | 405035 | loss | 0.255731 |
If we want a subset of the columns, we can also use loc just to ask for those.
elections.loc[0:4, "Year":"Party"]
Year | Candidate | Party | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic-Republican |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic |
loc selects items by row and column label.
elections.loc[[87, 25, 179], ["Year", "Candidate", "Result"]]
Year | Candidate | Result | |
87 | 1932 | Herbert Hoover | loss |
25 | 1860 | John C. Breckinridge | loss |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | loss |
elections.loc[[87, 25, 179], "Popular vote":"%"]
Popular vote | Result | % | |
87 | 15761254 | loss | 39.830594 |
25 | 848019 | loss | 18.138998 |
179 | 74216154 | loss | 46.858542 |
elections.loc[[87, 25, 179], "Popular vote"]
87 15761254 25 848019 179 74216154 Name: Popular vote, dtype: int64
elections.loc[:, ["Year", "Candidate", "Result"]]
Year | Candidate | Result | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | loss |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | win |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | win |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | loss |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | win |
... | ... | ... | ... |
177 | 2016 | Jill Stein | loss |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | win |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | loss |
180 | 2020 | Jo Jorgensen | loss |
181 | 2020 | Howard Hawkins | loss |
182 rows × 3 columns
iloc selects items by row and column number.
elections.iloc[[1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2]]
Year | Candidate | Party | |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican |
elections.iloc[[1, 2, 3], 0:2]
Year | Candidate | |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams |
elections.iloc[[1, 2, 3], 1]
1 John Quincy Adams 2 Andrew Jackson 3 John Quincy Adams Name: Candidate, dtype: object
elections.iloc[:, [0, 1, 4]]
Year | Candidate | Result | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | loss |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | win |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | win |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | loss |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | win |
... | ... | ... | ... |
177 | 2016 | Jill Stein | loss |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | win |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | loss |
180 | 2020 | Jo Jorgensen | loss |
181 | 2020 | Howard Hawkins | loss |
182 rows × 3 columns
We could technically do anything we want using loc
or iloc
. However, in practice, the []
operator is often used instead to yield more concise code.
is a bit trickier to understand than loc
or iloc
, but it does essentially the same thing.
If we provide a slice of row numbers, we get the numbered rows.
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican | 500897 | loss | 43.796073 |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 702735 | win | 54.574789 |
5 | 1832 | Henry Clay | National Republican | 484205 | loss | 37.603628 |
6 | 1832 | William Wirt | Anti-Masonic | 100715 | loss | 7.821583 |
If we provide a list of column names, we get the listed columns.
elections[["Year", "Candidate", "Result"]].tail(5)
Year | Candidate | Result | |
177 | 2016 | Jill Stein | loss |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | win |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | loss |
180 | 2020 | Jo Jorgensen | loss |
181 | 2020 | Howard Hawkins | loss |
And if we provide a single column name we get back just that column.
177 Jill Stein 178 Joseph Biden 179 Donald Trump 180 Jo Jorgensen 181 Howard Hawkins Name: Candidate, dtype: object
weird = pd.DataFrame({
1 | 1 | |
0 | topdog | topcat |
1 | botdog | botcat |
#weird[1] #try to predict the output
#weird["1"] #try to predict the output
#weird[1:] #try to predict the output
mottos = pd.read_csv("mottos.csv", index_col = "State")
Motto | Translation | Language | Date Adopted | |
State | ||||
Alabama | Audemus jura nostra defendere | We dare defend our rights! | Latin | 1923 |
Alaska | North to the future | — | English | 1967 |
Arizona | Ditat Deus | God enriches | Latin | 1863 |
Arkansas | Regnat populus | The people rule | Latin | 1907 |
California | Eureka (Εὕρηκα) | I have found it | Greek | 1849 |
Candidate | |
177 | Jill Stein |
178 | Joseph Biden |
179 | Donald Trump |
180 | Jo Jorgensen |
181 | Howard Hawkins |
Candidate | |
177 | Jill Stein |
178 | Joseph Biden |
179 | Donald Trump |
180 | Jo Jorgensen |
181 | Howard Hawkins |
Index(['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'], dtype='object', name='State')
Index(['Motto', 'Translation', 'Language', 'Date Adopted'], dtype='object')
elections[elections["Party"] == "Independent"]
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
121 | 1976 | Eugene McCarthy | Independent | 740460 | loss | 0.911649 |
130 | 1980 | John B. Anderson | Independent | 5719850 | loss | 6.631143 |
143 | 1992 | Ross Perot | Independent | 19743821 | loss | 18.956298 |
161 | 2004 | Ralph Nader | Independent | 465151 | loss | 0.380663 |
167 | 2008 | Ralph Nader | Independent | 739034 | loss | 0.563842 |
174 | 2016 | Evan McMullin | Independent | 732273 | loss | 0.539546 |
elections["Party"] == "Independent"
0 False 1 False 2 False 3 False 4 False ... 177 False 178 False 179 False 180 False 181 False Name: Party, Length: 182, dtype: bool
Boolean array selection also works with loc
elections.loc[elections["Party"] == "Independent"]
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
121 | 1976 | Eugene McCarthy | Independent | 740460 | loss | 0.911649 |
130 | 1980 | John B. Anderson | Independent | 5719850 | loss | 6.631143 |
143 | 1992 | Ross Perot | Independent | 19743821 | loss | 18.956298 |
161 | 2004 | Ralph Nader | Independent | 465151 | loss | 0.380663 |
167 | 2008 | Ralph Nader | Independent | 739034 | loss | 0.563842 |
174 | 2016 | Evan McMullin | Independent | 732273 | loss | 0.539546 |
elections[(elections["Result"] == "win") & (elections["%"] < 47)]
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican | 113142 | win | 42.789878 |
20 | 1856 | James Buchanan | Democratic | 1835140 | win | 45.306080 |
23 | 1860 | Abraham Lincoln | Republican | 1855993 | win | 39.699408 |
47 | 1892 | Grover Cleveland | Democratic | 5553898 | win | 46.121393 |
70 | 1912 | Woodrow Wilson | Democratic | 6296284 | win | 41.933422 |
117 | 1968 | Richard Nixon | Republican | 31783783 | win | 43.565246 |
140 | 1992 | Bill Clinton | Democratic | 44909806 | win | 43.118485 |
173 | 2016 | Donald Trump | Republican | 62984828 | win | 46.407862 |
elections2 = pd.read_csv("annoying_puzzle2.csv")
Candidate | Party | % | Year | Result | |
0 | Reagan | Republican | 50.897944 | 1980 | win |
1 | Carter | Democratic | 41.132848 | 1980 | loss |
2 | Anderson | Independent | 6.631143 | 1980 | loss |
3 | Reagan | Republican | 59.023326 | 1984 | win |
4 | Mondale | Democratic | 40.729429 | 1984 | loss |
5 | Bush | Republican | 53.518845 | 1988 | win |
6 | Dukakis | Democratic | 45.770691 | 1988 | loss |
#Which of the following yield the desired answer on the slides?
#elections2.iloc[[0, 3, 5], [0, 3]]
#elections2.loc[[0, 3, 5], "Candidate":"Year"]
#elections2.loc[elections["%"] > 50, ["Candidate", "Year"]].head(3)
#elections2.loc[elections["%"] > 50, ["Candidate", "Year"]].iloc[0:2, :]
elections[(elections["Party"] == "Anti-Masonic") |
(elections["Party"] == "American") |
(elections["Party"] == "Anti-Monopoly") |
(elections["Party"] == "American Independent")]
#Note: The parentheses surrounding the code make it possible to break the code on to multiple lines for readability
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
6 | 1832 | William Wirt | Anti-Masonic | 100715 | loss | 7.821583 |
22 | 1856 | Millard Fillmore | American | 873053 | loss | 21.554001 |
38 | 1884 | Benjamin Butler | Anti-Monopoly | 134294 | loss | 1.335838 |
115 | 1968 | George Wallace | American Independent | 9901118 | loss | 13.571218 |
119 | 1972 | John G. Schmitz | American Independent | 1100868 | loss | 1.421524 |
124 | 1976 | Lester Maddox | American Independent | 170274 | loss | 0.209640 |
126 | 1976 | Thomas J. Anderson | American | 158271 | loss | 0.194862 |
a_parties = ["Anti-Masonic", "American", "Anti-Monopoly", "American Independent"]
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
6 | 1832 | William Wirt | Anti-Masonic | 100715 | loss | 7.821583 |
22 | 1856 | Millard Fillmore | American | 873053 | loss | 21.554001 |
38 | 1884 | Benjamin Butler | Anti-Monopoly | 134294 | loss | 1.335838 |
115 | 1968 | George Wallace | American Independent | 9901118 | loss | 13.571218 |
119 | 1972 | John G. Schmitz | American Independent | 1100868 | loss | 1.421524 |
124 | 1976 | Lester Maddox | American Independent | 170274 | loss | 0.209640 |
126 | 1976 | Thomas J. Anderson | American | 158271 | loss | 0.194862 |
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
6 | 1832 | William Wirt | Anti-Masonic | 100715 | loss | 7.821583 |
22 | 1856 | Millard Fillmore | American | 873053 | loss | 21.554001 |
38 | 1884 | Benjamin Butler | Anti-Monopoly | 134294 | loss | 1.335838 |
115 | 1968 | George Wallace | American Independent | 9901118 | loss | 13.571218 |
119 | 1972 | John G. Schmitz | American Independent | 1100868 | loss | 1.421524 |
124 | 1976 | Lester Maddox | American Independent | 170274 | loss | 0.209640 |
126 | 1976 | Thomas J. Anderson | American | 158271 | loss | 0.194862 |
elections.query('Year >= 2000 and Result == "win"')
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
152 | 2000 | George W. Bush | Republican | 50456002 | win | 47.974666 |
157 | 2004 | George W. Bush | Republican | 62040610 | win | 50.771824 |
162 | 2008 | Barack Obama | Democratic | 69498516 | win | 53.023510 |
168 | 2012 | Barack Obama | Democratic | 65915795 | win | 51.258484 |
173 | 2016 | Donald Trump | Republican | 62984828 | win | 46.407862 |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | Democratic | 81268924 | win | 51.311515 |
parties = ["Republican", "Democratic"]
elections.query('Result == "win" and Party not in @parties')
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican | 113142 | win | 42.789878 |
11 | 1840 | William Henry Harrison | Whig | 1275583 | win | 53.051213 |
16 | 1848 | Zachary Taylor | Whig | 1360235 | win | 47.309296 |
27 | 1864 | Abraham Lincoln | National Union | 2211317 | win | 54.951512 |
winners = elections.query('Result == "win"')["%"]
1 42.789878 2 56.203927 4 54.574789 8 52.272472 11 53.051213 Name: %, dtype: float64
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
0 | 1824 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic-Republican | 151271 | loss | 57.210122 |
1 | 1824 | John Quincy Adams | Democratic-Republican | 113142 | win | 42.789878 |
2 | 1828 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 642806 | win | 56.203927 |
3 | 1828 | John Quincy Adams | National Republican | 500897 | loss | 43.796073 |
4 | 1832 | Andrew Jackson | Democratic | 702735 | win | 54.574789 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
177 | 2016 | Jill Stein | Green | 1457226 | loss | 1.073699 |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden | Democratic | 81268924 | win | 51.311515 |
179 | 2020 | Donald Trump | Republican | 74216154 | loss | 46.858542 |
180 | 2020 | Jo Jorgensen | Libertarian | 1865724 | loss | 1.177979 |
181 | 2020 | Howard Hawkins | Green | 405035 | loss | 0.255731 |
182 rows × 6 columns
(182, 6)
Year | Popular vote | % | |
count | 182.000000 | 1.820000e+02 | 182.000000 |
mean | 1934.087912 | 1.235364e+07 | 27.470350 |
std | 57.048908 | 1.907715e+07 | 22.968034 |
min | 1824.000000 | 1.007150e+05 | 0.098088 |
25% | 1889.000000 | 3.876395e+05 | 1.219996 |
50% | 1936.000000 | 1.709375e+06 | 37.677893 |
75% | 1988.000000 | 1.897775e+07 | 48.354977 |
max | 2020.000000 | 8.126892e+07 | 61.344703 |
elections.sample(5).iloc[:, 0:2]
Year | Candidate | |
178 | 2020 | Joseph Biden |
51 | 1896 | Joshua Levering |
41 | 1884 | John St. John |
165 | 2008 | Cynthia McKinney |
143 | 1992 | Ross Perot |
elections.query('Year == 2000').sample(4, replace = True).iloc[:, 0:2]
Year | Candidate | |
151 | 2000 | Al Gore |
151 | 2000 | Al Gore |
154 | 2000 | Pat Buchanan |
155 | 2000 | Ralph Nader |
Norman Thomas 5 Ralph Nader 4 Franklin Roosevelt 4 Eugene V. Debs 4 Andrew Jackson 3 .. Silas C. Swallow 1 Alton B. Parker 1 John G. Woolley 1 Joshua Levering 1 Howard Hawkins 1 Name: Candidate, Length: 132, dtype: int64
array(['Democratic-Republican', 'Democratic', 'National Republican', 'Anti-Masonic', 'Whig', 'Free Soil', 'Republican', 'American', 'Constitutional Union', 'Southern Democratic', 'Northern Democratic', 'National Union', 'Liberal Republican', 'Greenback', 'Anti-Monopoly', 'Prohibition', 'Union Labor', 'Populist', 'National Democratic', 'Socialist', 'Progressive', 'Farmer–Labor', 'Communist', 'Union', 'Dixiecrat', "States' Rights", 'American Independent', 'Independent', 'Libertarian', 'Citizens', 'New Alliance', 'Taxpayers', 'Natural Law', 'Green', 'Reform', 'Constitution'], dtype=object)
75 Aaron S. Watkins 27 Abraham Lincoln 23 Abraham Lincoln 108 Adlai Stevenson 105 Adlai Stevenson ... 19 Winfield Scott 37 Winfield Scott Hancock 74 Woodrow Wilson 70 Woodrow Wilson 16 Zachary Taylor Name: Candidate, Length: 182, dtype: object
elections.sort_values("%", ascending = False)
Year | Candidate | Party | Popular vote | Result | % | |
114 | 1964 | Lyndon Johnson | Democratic | 43127041 | win | 61.344703 |
91 | 1936 | Franklin Roosevelt | Democratic | 27752648 | win | 60.978107 |
120 | 1972 | Richard Nixon | Republican | 47168710 | win | 60.907806 |
79 | 1920 | Warren Harding | Republican | 16144093 | win | 60.574501 |
133 | 1984 | Ronald Reagan | Republican | 54455472 | win | 59.023326 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
165 | 2008 | Cynthia McKinney | Green | 161797 | loss | 0.123442 |
148 | 1996 | John Hagelin | Natural Law | 113670 | loss | 0.118219 |
160 | 2004 | Michael Peroutka | Constitution | 143630 | loss | 0.117542 |
141 | 1992 | Bo Gritz | Populist | 106152 | loss | 0.101918 |
156 | 2004 | David Cobb | Green | 119859 | loss | 0.098088 |
182 rows × 6 columns