import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
In this notebook, we will use basic feature transformations (feature engineering) to model non-linear relationships using linear models.
To enable easy visualization of the model fitting process we will use a simple synthetic data set.
data = pd.read_csv("data/synthetic_data.csv")
X0 | X1 | Y | |
0 | -1.254599 | 4.507143 | 0.669332 |
1 | 2.319939 | 0.986585 | 5.430523 |
2 | -3.439814 | -3.440055 | 7.640933 |
3 | -4.419164 | 3.661761 | -1.836007 |
4 | 1.011150 | 2.080726 | 6.148833 |
We can visualize the data in three dimensions:
data_scatter = go.Scatter3d(x=data["X0"], y=data["X1"], z=data["Y"],
layout = dict(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0),
scene = dict(xaxis_title='X0', yaxis_title='X1', zaxis_title='Y'))
go.Figure([data_scatter], layout)
We normally start with a basic linear model with an intercept term.
model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)[["X0", "X1"]], data[["Y"]])
To track the performance of our models, we use the following plotting functions.
def make_surface(predict, grid_points = 30, name="Linear Model"):
This function constructs a 3d surface from a prediction function.
u = np.linspace(data["X0"].min(), data["X0"].max(), grid_points)
v = np.linspace(data["X1"].min(), data["X1"].max(), grid_points)
xu, xv = np.meshgrid(u,v)
X = np.vstack((xu.flatten(),xv.flatten())).transpose()
z = predict(X)
return go.Surface(x=xu, y=xv, z=z.reshape(xu.shape), opacity=0.8,
name=name, showscale=False)
def evaluate_model(predict, grid_points=30):
This function visualizes the predict function
# Compute Y and Yhat
Y = data["Y"].to_numpy()
Yhat = predict(data[["X0", "X1"]].to_numpy()).flatten()
# Compute and print error metrics
print("Mean Absolute Error:", mean_absolute_error(Y, Yhat))
print("Root Mean Squared Error:", np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(Y, Yhat)))
# Make Side by Side Plots
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2,
specs=[[{'type': 'scene'}, {'type': 'xy'}]])
fig.add_trace(data_scatter, row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(make_surface(predict, grid_points=grid_points), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=Yhat, y=Y, mode="markers"), row=1, col=2)
ymin = np.min([np.min(Y), np.min(Yhat)])
ymax = np.max([np.max(Y), np.max(Yhat)])
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[ymin,ymax], y=[ymin,ymax], name="y=yhat"))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title ="yhat", yaxis_title="Y")
Examining our latest model:
evaluate_model(model.predict, grid_points=5)
Mean Absolute Error: 1.5446935067491216 Root Mean Squared Error: 1.9430914626104163
Examining the above data we see that there is some periodic structure as well as some curvature. Can we fit this data with a linear model?
Linear models are linear combinations of features. These models are therefore linear in the parameters but not necessarily the underlying data. We can encode non-linearity in our data through the use of feature functions:
$$ f_\theta\left( x \right) = \phi(x)^T \theta = \sum_{j=0}^{p} \phi(x)_j \theta_j $$where $\phi$ is an arbitrary function from $x\in \mathbb{R}^d$ to $\phi(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{p+1}$. We could also denote these as a collection of separate feature $\phi_j$ feature functions from $x\in \mathbb{R}^d$ to $\phi_j(x) \in \mathbb{R}$:
$$ \phi(x) = \left[\phi_0(x), \phi_1(x), \ldots, \phi_p(x) \right] $$We often refer to these $\phi_j$ as feature functions and their design plays a critical role in both how we capture prior knowledge and our ability to fit complicated data
In the following, we will add a few different sine functions at different frequencies and offsets.
$$ \sin\left(2 \pi * \textbf{frequency}X + \textbf{phase}\right) $$Note that for this to remain a linear model, we cannot make the frequency or phase of the sine function a model parameter. In fact, these are actually hyperparameters of the model that would need to be tuned using either domain knowledge or other search procedures.
def phi_periodic(X):
return np.hstack([
np.sin(X + 1),
np.sin(10*X + 1),
Phi = phi_periodic(data[["X0", "X1"]])
array([[-1.25459881, 4.50714306, -0.95042469, ..., -0.7004603 , 0.85230815, 0.86864421], [ 2.31993942, 0.98658484, 0.7322727 , ..., 0.91479811, -0.80361643, -0.99159739], [-3.4398136 , -3.4400548 , 0.29382014, ..., -0.64539314, -0.91655664, -0.9155894 ], ..., [-1.39026103, -4.08417927, -0.98374772, ..., -0.05738185, -0.32993969, -0.84088255], [ 4.17313575, -3.63181369, -0.85809239, ..., -0.48798433, -0.94928048, 0.68936906], [ 4.50237354, -0.53994227, -0.9780277 , ..., 0.44399983, 0.89127739, 0.95142449]])
(500, 10)
model_phi = LinearRegression(), data["Y"])
Notice that to make predictions I need to actually apply the $\Phi$ feature function to my data.
evaluate_model(lambda X: model_phi.predict(phi_periodic(X)))
Mean Absolute Error: 1.2542207074699765 Root Mean Squared Error: 1.640910849605613
There is still some curvature. We can introduce additional polynomial terms to try to improve the fit of our model.
def phi_curved(X):
return np.hstack([
X * X,
np.expand_dims(, axis=1), 1),
X ** 3,
Can you guess the new number of features?
phi_curved(data[["X0", "X1"]]).shape
(500, 5)
Let's build a feature function that combines our features so far:
def phi_curved_and_periodic(X):
return np.hstack([phi_curved(X), phi_periodic(X)])
crazy_model = LinearRegression()[["X0", "X1"]]), data[["Y"]])
array([[ 1.91066267e-03, -2.11589768e-03, 1.97448326e-01, 7.62814553e-04, 2.25383620e-03, 2.44286423e-01, -5.32931863e-01, -6.21987292e-01, 1.09903384e+00, -1.01014457e-02, 3.50670902e-02, 1.19722668e+00, -6.20322912e-02, 2.83608334e-02, -3.23123574e-02]])
evaluate_model(lambda X: crazy_model.predict(phi_curved_and_periodic(X)))
Mean Absolute Error: 0.15052783249777388 Root Mean Squared Error: 0.18925011553598578