A quick look at the hypergeometric distribution

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as st
In [2]:
sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1.4)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 6)
In [3]:
x, T, G, N = 39, 1641, 74, 257

Note: the Scipy and R calling conventions are different. If we use the above values as the ones we'd use to call R's phyper function directly (see below) then we need to convert them to the Scipy convention as follows:

In [4]:
M, n = T+G, G
In [5]:
rv_null = st.hypergeom(M, n, N)
x_null = np.arange(0, 40)
pmf_null = rv_null.pmf(x_null)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_null, pmf_null, 'bo')
ax.vlines(x_null, 0, pmf_null, lw=2)
ax.set_xlabel('# of shifts with at least one death out of 257 randomly chosen shifts')
ax.set_ylabel('hypergeometric probabilities');
In [6]:
cdf_null = rv_null.sf(x_null)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_null, cdf_null)
#ax.vlines(x_null, 0, cdf_null, lw=2)
ax.set_xlabel('# of shifts with at least one death out of 257 randomly chosen shifts')
ax.set_ylabel('hypergeometric CDF');
In [7]:
st.hypergeom.cdf(x, M, n, N)
In [8]:
st.hypergeom.sf(x, M, n, N)
In [9]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
In [10]:
%%R -i x,M,n,N
cat("x, M, n, N:", x, M, n, N, "\n")
cat("cdf:", phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=TRUE), "\n")
cat("sf :", phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=FALSE))
x, M, n, N: 39 1715 74 257 
cdf: 1 
sf : 9.112162e-16
In [15]:
%%R -i x,M,n,N
cat("x, M, n, N:", x, M, n, N, "\n")
cdf <- phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=TRUE)
sf  <- phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=FALSE)
cat("cdf:", sprintf("%.18e", cdf), "\n")
cat("sf :", sf, "\n" )
cat("diff:", cdf-sf )
x, M, n, N: 39 1715 74 257 
cdf: 9.999999999999991118e-01 
sf : 9.112162e-16 
diff: 1

A bug in scipy

Note that for these values:

x, M, n, N = 40, 1600, 50, 300

Scipy's logcdf function returns non-sensical results:

In [101]:
x, M, n, N = 40, 1600, 50, 300
lcdf = st.hypergeom.logcdf(x, M, n, N)
print("logcdf:", lcdf)
print("probab:", repr(np.exp(lcdf)))
logcdf: 7.57838236609e-13
probab: 1.0000000000007578

As a sanity check, let's look at R, which does the right thing:

In [65]:
%%R -i x,M,n,N -o lcdf
lcdf <- phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=TRUE, log=TRUE)
cat("logcdf:", sprintf("%.12e", lcdf), "\n")
cat("probab:", exp(lcdf))
logcdf: -7.565148879229e-23 
probab: 1

This is probably obvious for some reason, but not immediately to me... At these values, the survival function is minus the logcdf to numerical precision:

In [70]:
%%R -i x,M,n,N
lcdf <- phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=TRUE, log=TRUE)
sf <- phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=FALSE, log=FALSE)

cat("logcdf:", sprintf("%.12e", lcdf), "\n")
cat("sf    : ", sprintf("%.12e", sf), "\n")
cat("diff  :", lcdf - sf)
logcdf: -7.565148879229e-23 
sf    :  7.565148879229e-23 
diff  : -1.51303e-22

A quick sanity check with less extreme values

This shows that SciPy does agree with R away from the tails.

In [71]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st

x, M, n, N = 3, 20, 7, 12
lcdf = st.hypergeom.logcdf(x, M, n, N)
print("logcdf:", lcdf)
print("probab:", repr(np.exp(lcdf)))
logcdf: -1.38320316855
probab: 0.25077399380804904
In [72]:
%%R -i x,M,n,N
lcdf <- phyper(x, n, M-n, N, lower.tail=TRUE, log=TRUE)
cat("logcdf:", sprintf("%.12e", lcdf), "\n")
cat("probab:", exp(lcdf))
logcdf: -1.383203168550e+00 
probab: 0.250774