import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import itertools
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Big font helper
def adjust_fontsize(size=None):
if size != None:
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
We will first define some helper functions to calculate the regression line for us.
# Helper functions
def standard_units(x):
return (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x)
def correlation(x, y):
return np.mean(standard_units(x) * standard_units(y))
def slope(x, y):
return correlation(x, y) * np.std(y) / np.std(x)
def intercept(x, y):
return np.mean(y) - slope(x, y)*np.mean(x)
def fit_least_squares(x, y):
theta_0 = intercept(x, y)
theta_1 = slope(x, y)
return theta_0, theta_1
def predict(x, theta_0, theta_1):
return theta_0 + theta_1*x
def compute_mse(y, yhat):
return np.mean((y - yhat)**2)'default') # Revert style to default mpl
def least_squares_evaluation(x, y, visualize=NO_VIZ):
# statistics
print(f"x_mean : {np.mean(x):.2f}, y_mean : {np.mean(y):.2f}")
print(f"x_stdev: {np.std(x):.2f}, y_stdev: {np.std(y):.2f}")
print(f"r = Correlation(x, y): {correlation(x, y):.3f}")
# Performance metrics
ahat, bhat = fit_least_squares(x, y)
yhat = predict(x, ahat, bhat)
print(f"\theta_0: {ahat:.2f}, \theta_1: {bhat:.2f}")
print(f"RMSE: {np.sqrt(compute_mse(y, yhat)):.3f}")
# visualization
fig, ax_resid = None, None
if visualize == RESID_SCATTER:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8, 3))
axs[0].scatter(x, y)
axs[0].plot(x, yhat)
axs[0].set_title("LS fit")
ax_resid = axs[1]
elif visualize == RESID:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
ax_resid = plt.gca()
if ax_resid is not None:
ax_resid.scatter(x, y - yhat, color = 'red')
ax_resid.plot([4, 14], [0, 0], color = 'black')
return fig
Let's look at four different datasets. Without visualizing the data, let's try fitting the simple linear regression model to these four datasets!
# Load in four different datasets: I, II, III, IV
x = [10, 8, 13, 9, 11, 14, 6, 4, 12, 7, 5]
y1 = [8.04, 6.95, 7.58, 8.81, 8.33, 9.96, 7.24, 4.26, 10.84, 4.82, 5.68]
y2 = [9.14, 8.14, 8.74, 8.77, 9.26, 8.10, 6.13, 3.10, 9.13, 7.26, 4.74]
y3 = [7.46, 6.77, 12.74, 7.11, 7.81, 8.84, 6.08, 5.39, 8.15, 6.42, 5.73]
x4 = [8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 19, 8, 8, 8]
y4 = [6.58, 5.76, 7.71, 8.84, 8.47, 7.04, 5.25, 12.50, 5.56, 7.91, 6.89]
anscombe = {
'I': pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x, y1)), columns =['x', 'y']),
'II': pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x, y2)), columns =['x', 'y']),
'III': pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x, y3)), columns =['x', 'y']),
'IV': pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x4, y4)), columns =['x', 'y'])
for i, dataset in enumerate(['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']):
ans = anscombe[dataset]
x, y = ans["x"], ans["y"]
ahat, bhat = fit_least_squares(x, y)
print(f"Dataset {dataset}: theta_0: {ahat:.2f}, theta_1: {bhat:.2f}")
Dataset I: theta_0: 3.00, theta_1: 0.50 Dataset II: theta_0: 3.00, theta_1: 0.50 Dataset III: theta_0: 3.00, theta_1: 0.50 Dataset IV: theta_0: 3.00, theta_1: 0.50
Looks like all four datasets have exactly the same fit.
In fact, all four of them have the same $\bar x$, $\bar y$, $\sigma_x$, $\sigma_y$, correlation $r$, and RMSE! If we only look at these statistics, we will probably be inclined to say that these datasets are similar.
for dataset in ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']:
print(f">>> Dataset {dataset}:")
ans = anscombe[dataset]
fig = least_squares_evaluation(ans['x'], ans['y'], visualize = NO_VIZ)
>>> Dataset I: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119 >>> Dataset II: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119 >>> Dataset III: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118 >>> Dataset IV: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.817 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
However, it is only when we visualize the datasets that we realize only one of these four sets of data makes sense to model using SLR.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize = (10, 10))
for i, dataset in enumerate(['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']):
ans = anscombe[dataset]
axs[i//2, i%2].scatter(ans['x'], ans['y'])
axs[i//2, i%2].set_title(f"Dataset {dataset}")
Checking the residuals will also shed light on the differences among these four datasets.
If you remember from Data 8, "the residual plot of a good regression shows no pattern".
for dataset in ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']:
print(f">>> Dataset {dataset}:")
ans = anscombe[dataset]
fig = least_squares_evaluation(ans['x'], ans['y'], visualize = RESID)
>>> Dataset I: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119
>>> Dataset II: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.119
>>> Dataset III: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.816 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
>>> Dataset IV: x_mean : 9.00, y_mean : 7.50 x_stdev: 3.16, y_stdev: 1.94 r = Correlation(x, y): 0.817 heta_0: 3.00, heta_1: 0.50 RMSE: 1.118
The takeaway here is that you should always visualize your datasets before fitting any models to it!
dugongs = pd.read_csv("data/dugongs.csv")
data_constant = dugongs["Age"]
data_linear = dugongs[["Length", "Age"]]
Computes constant loss surface. As a reminder, the average loss of the constant model is
$$ \Large \hat{R}(\theta_0) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \theta_0)^2 $$'default') # Revert style to default mpl
%matplotlib inline
def mse_constant(theta, data):
return np.mean(np.array([(y_obs - theta) ** 2 for y_obs in data]), axis=0)
thetas = np.linspace(-20, 42, 1000)
l2_loss_thetas = mse_constant(thetas, data_constant)
plt.plot(thetas, l2_loss_thetas)
# Optimal point
thetahat = np.mean(data_constant)
plt.scatter([thetahat], [mse_constant(thetahat, data_constant)], s=50, label = r"$\hat{\theta}_0$")
# plt.savefig('mse_constant_loss.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
Computes 3D loss surface. As a reminder, the average loss for the SLR model is
$$ \Large \hat{R}(\theta_0, \theta_1) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - (\theta_0 + \theta_1x))^2 $$def mse_linear(theta_0, theta_1, data_linear):
data_x, data_y = data_linear.iloc[:,0], data_linear.iloc[:,1]
return np.mean(np.array([(y - (theta_0+theta_1*x)) ** 2 for x, y in zip(data_x, data_y)]), axis=0)
theta_0_values = np.linspace(-80, 20, 80)
theta_1_values = np.linspace(-10, 30, 80)
mse_values = np.array([[mse_linear(x,y,data_linear) for x in theta_0_values] for y in theta_1_values])
# Optimal point
data_x, data_y = data_linear.iloc[:, 0], data_linear.iloc[:, 1]
theta_1_hat = np.corrcoef(data_x, data_y)[0, 1] * np.std(data_y) / np.std(data_x)
theta_0_hat = np.mean(data_y) - theta_1_hat * np.mean(data_x)
# Create the 3D plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
X, Y = np.meshgrid(theta_0_values, theta_1_values)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, mse_values, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.6) # Use alpha to make it slightly transparent
# Scatter point using matplotlib
sc = ax.scatter([theta_0_hat], [theta_1_hat], [mse_linear(theta_0_hat, theta_1_hat, data_linear)],
marker='o', color='red', s=100, label='theta hat')
# Create a colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(surf, ax=ax, shrink=0.5, aspect=10)
cbar.set_label('Cost Value')
ax.set_title('MSE for different $\\theta_0, \\theta_1$')
# plt.savefig('mse_linear_loss.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
print("Least Squares Constant Model RMSE:",
np.sqrt(mse_constant(thetahat, data_constant)))
print("Least Squares Linear Model RMSE: ",
np.sqrt(mse_linear(theta_0_hat, theta_1_hat, data_linear)))
Least Squares Constant Model RMSE: 7.722422059764398 Least Squares Linear Model RMSE: 4.311332860288157
Interpret the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error):
This plotting code is left for your reference. We'll mainly look at the figures in lecture.
yobs = data_linear["Age"] # The true observations y
xs = data_linear["Length"] # Needed for linear predictions
n = len(yobs) # Predictions
yhats_constant = [thetahat for i in range(n)] # Not used, but food for thought
yhats_linear = [theta_0_hat + theta_1_hat * x for x in xs]
# In case we're in a weird style state
%matplotlib inline
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 1.5))
sns.rugplot(yobs, height=0.25, lw=2) ;
plt.axvline(thetahat, color='red', lw=4, label=r"$\hat{\theta}_0$");
# plt.savefig('dugong_rug.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
# In case we're in a weird style state
%matplotlib inline
sns.scatterplot(x=xs, y=yobs)
plt.plot(xs, yhats_linear, color='red', lw=4)
# plt.savefig('dugong_line.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
boba = np.array([20, 21, 22, 29, 33])
Let's plot the $L_1$ loss for a single observation. We'll plot the $L_1$ loss for the first observation; since $y_1 = 20$, we'll be plotting
$$ \Large L_1(20, \theta_0) = |20 - \theta_0| $$thetas = np.linspace(10, 30, 1000)
l1_loss_single_obvs = np.abs(boba[0] - thetas)'default') # Revert style to default mpl
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(thetas, l1_loss_single_obvs, 'g--', );
plt.ylabel(r'L1 Loss for $y = 20$');
# plt.savefig('l1_loss_single_obs.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
def mae_constant(theta_0, data):
return np.mean(np.array([np.abs(y_obs - theta_0) for y_obs in data]), axis=0)
thetas = np.linspace(10, 40, 1000)
l1_loss_thetas = mae_constant(thetas, boba)
plt.plot(thetas, l1_loss_thetas, color = 'green', lw=3);
plt.ylabel(r'MAE across all data');
# plt.savefig('l1_loss_average.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
# In case we're in a weird style state
%matplotlib inline
yobs = boba
thetahat = np.median(yobs)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 1.5))
sns.rugplot(yobs, height=0.25, lw=2) ;
plt.scatter([thetahat], [-.1], color='green', lw=4, label=r"$\hat{\theta}_0$");
# plt.savefig('boba_rug.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');'default') # Revert style to default mpl
%matplotlib inline
nplots = 2
def plot_losses(data, title=None, theta_range=(10, 40)):
thetas = np.linspace(theta_range[0], theta_range[1], 1000)
l2_loss_thetas = mse_constant(thetas, data)
thetahat_mse = np.mean(data)
l1_loss_thetas = mae_constant(thetas, data)
thetahat_mae = np.median(data)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, nplots, figsize=(5*2+0.5, 3.5))
axs[0].plot(thetas, l2_loss_thetas, lw=3);
axs[0].scatter([thetahat_mse], [mse_constant(thetahat_mse, data)], s=100)
axs[0].annotate(r"$\hat{\theta}_0$ = " + f"{thetahat_mse:.1f}",
xy=(thetahat_mse, np.average(axs[0].get_ylim())),
size=20, ha='center', va='top',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='w'))
axs[1].plot(thetas, l1_loss_thetas, color = 'green', lw=3);
axs[1].scatter([thetahat_mae], [mae_constant(thetahat_mae, data)], color='green', s=100)
axs[1].annotate(r"$\hat{\theta}_0$ = " + f"{thetahat_mae:.1f}",
xy=(thetahat_mae, np.average(axs[1].get_ylim())),
size=20, ha='center', va='top',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='w'))
if title:
return fig
fig = plot_losses(boba)
# plt.savefig('loss_compare.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
boba_outlier = np.array([20, 21, 22, 29, 33, 1033])
fig = plot_losses(boba_outlier, theta_range=[-10, 300])
# plt.savefig('loss_outlier.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
boba_even = np.array([20, 21, 22, 29, 33, 35])
fig = plot_losses(boba_even)
#plt.savefig('loss_unique.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
We saw earlier that the MSE (average L2) loss curve for Simple Linear Regression is smooth and parabolic in 3 dimensions. What does the MAE for SLR curve look like?
It's beyond the scope of this course, but for the curious, the below cell plots the mean absolute error (average L1 loss) on the boba dataset for a simple linear regression model . I don't plot the minimum because I don't know if there's a closed form solution (you could solve it numerically with techniques you learn in lab).
Since the boba dataset didn't have input, I've arbitrarily used "temperature of that day" as input. I made up the numbers (assume degrees Farenheit).
boba_df = pd.DataFrame({"sales": [20, 21, 22, 29, 33],
"temps": [40, 44, 55, 70, 85]},
columns=["temps", "sales"])
temps | sales | |
0 | 40 | 20 |
1 | 44 | 21 |
2 | 55 | 22 |
3 | 70 | 29 |
4 | 85 | 33 |
# Just run this cell
data_linear = boba_df
def mAe_linear(theta_0, theta_1, data_linear):
data_x, data_y = data_linear.iloc[:,0], data_linear.iloc[:,1]
return np.mean(np.array([np.abs(y - (theta_0+theta_1*x)) for x, y in zip(data_x, data_y)]), axis=0)
theta_0_values = np.linspace(-20, 20, 80)
theta_1_values = np.linspace(-50, 50, 80)
mAe_values = np.array([[mse_linear(x,y,data_linear) for x in theta_0_values] for y in theta_1_values])
# Create the 3D plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
X, Y = np.meshgrid(theta_0_values, theta_1_values)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, mAe_values, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.6) # Use alpha to make it slightly transparent
# Create a color bar
cbar = fig.colorbar(surf, ax=ax, shrink=0.5, aspect=10)
cbar.set_label('Cost Value')
ax.set_title('MSE for different $\\theta_0, \\theta_1$')
# plt.savefig('mse_linear_loss.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
dugongs = pd.read_csv("data/dugongs.csv")
Length | Age | |
0 | 1.77 | 1.5 |
1 | 1.80 | 1.0 |
2 | 1.85 | 1.5 |
3 | 1.87 | 1.5 |
4 | 2.02 | 2.5 |
yobs = dugongs["Age"] # The true observations y
xs = dugongs["Length"] # Needed for linear predictions
theta_1_hat = np.corrcoef(xs, yobs)[0, 1] * np.std(yobs) / np.std(xs)
theta_0_hat = np.mean(yobs) - theta_1_hat * np.mean(xs)
yhats_linear = theta_0_hat + theta_1_hat * xs
np.corrcoef(xs, yobs)[0, 1]
The correlation coefficient is pretty high...but there's an issue.
Let's first plot the Dugong linear fit again. It doesn't look so bad if we see it here.
# In case we're in a weird style state
%matplotlib inline
sns.scatterplot(x=xs, y=yobs)
plt.plot(xs, yhats_linear, color='red', lw=4)
# plt.savefig('dugong_line.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
Let's further inspect by plotting residuals.
residuals = yobs - yhats_linear
sns.scatterplot(x=xs, y=residuals, color='red', lw=4)
plt.axhline(0, color='black')
plt.ylabel(r"$y - \hat{y}$")
# plt.savefig('dugong_residuals.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
We could fit a line to the linear model that relates $ z = \log(y)$ to $x$:
$$ \Large \hat{z} = \theta_0 + \theta_1 x $$dugongs["Log(Age)"] = np.log(dugongs["Age"])
zobs = dugongs["Log(Age)"] # The LOG of true observations y
xs = dugongs["Length"] # Needed for linear predictions
ztheta_1_hat = np.corrcoef(xs, zobs)[0, 1] * np.std(zobs) / np.std(xs)
ztheta_0_hat = np.mean(zobs) - ztheta_1_hat * np.mean(xs)
zhats_linear = ztheta_0_hat + ztheta_1_hat * xs
sns.scatterplot(x=xs, y=zobs, color='green')
plt.plot(xs, zhats_linear, lw=4)
# plt.savefig('dugong_zline.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
zresiduals = zobs - zhats_linear
sns.scatterplot(x=xs, y=zresiduals, color='red', lw=4)
plt.axhline(0, color='black')
plt.ylabel(r"$z - \hat{z}$")
# plt.savefig('dugong_zresiduals.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');
ypred = np.exp(zhats_linear)
sns.scatterplot(x=xs, y=yobs)
plt.plot(xs, ypred, color='green', lw=4)
# plt.savefig('dugong_curve.png', bbox_inches = 'tight');