import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_theme(style='darkgrid', font_scale = 1.5,
rng = np.random.default_rng()
We are trying to collect a sample from Berkeley residents to predict the which one of Barbie and Oppenheimer would perform better on their opening day, July 21st.
First, let's grab a dataset that has every single residents in Berkeley (this is a fake dataset) and which movie they actually watched on July 21st.
For the purposes of this demo, assume:
indicates if a resident identifies as = pd.read_csv("movie.csv")
# create a 1/0 int that indicates Barbie vote
movie['barbie'] = (movie['movie'] == 'Barbie').astype(int)
age | is_male | movie | barbie | |
0 | 35 | False | Barbie | 1 |
1 | 42 | True | Oppenheimer | 0 |
2 | 55 | False | Barbie | 1 |
3 | 77 | True | Oppenheimer | 0 |
4 | 31 | False | Barbie | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1299995 | 62 | True | Barbie | 1 |
1299996 | 78 | True | Oppenheimer | 0 |
1299997 | 68 | False | Oppenheimer | 0 |
1299998 | 82 | True | Oppenheimer | 0 |
1299999 | 23 | False | Barbie | 1 |
1300000 rows × 4 columns
What fraction of Berkeley residents chose Barbie?
actual_barbie = np.mean(movie["barbie"])
This is the actual outcome of the competition. Based on this result, Barbie would win. How did our sample of retirees do?
convenience_sample = movie[movie['age'] >= 65]
Based on this result, we would have predicted that Oppenheimer would win! What happened?
Seems really large, so the error is definitely not solely chance error. There is some bias afoot.
Let us aggregate all choices by age and visualize the fraction of Barbie views, split by gender.
votes_by_barbie = movie.groupby(["age","is_male"]).agg("mean", numeric_only=True).reset_index()
age | is_male | barbie | |
0 | 18 | False | 0.819594 |
1 | 18 | True | 0.667001 |
2 | 19 | False | 0.812214 |
3 | 19 | True | 0.661252 |
4 | 20 | False | 0.805281 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
125 | 80 | True | 0.259731 |
126 | 81 | False | 0.394946 |
127 | 81 | True | 0.256759 |
128 | 82 | False | 0.398970 |
129 | 82 | True | 0.248060 |
130 rows × 3 columns
# A common matplotlib/seaborn pattern: create the figure and axes object, pass ax
# to seaborn for drawing into, and later fine-tune the figure via ax.
fig, ax = plt.subplots();
red_blue = ["#bf1518", "#397eb7"]
with sns.color_palette(red_blue):
sns.pointplot(data=votes_by_barbie, x = "age", y = "barbie", hue = "is_male", ax=ax)
new_ticks = [i.get_text() for i in ax.get_xticklabels()]
ax.set_xticks(range(0, len(new_ticks), 10), new_ticks[::10])
ax.set_title("Preferences by Demographics");
What if we instead took a simple random sample (SRS) to collect our sample?
Suppose we took an SRS of the same size as our retiree sample:
## By default, replace = False
n = len(convenience_sample)
random_sample = movie.sample(n, replace = False)
This is very close to the actual vote!
It turns out that we can get similar results with a much smaller sample size, say, 800:
n = 800
random_sample = movie.sample(n, replace = False)
# Compute the sample average and the resulting relative error
sample_barbie = np.mean(random_sample["barbie"])
err = abs(sample_barbie-actual_barbie)/actual_barbie
# We can print output with Markdown formatting too...
from IPython.display import Markdown
Markdown(f"**Actual** = {actual_barbie:.4f}, **Sample** = {sample_barbie:.4f}, "
f"**Err** = {100*err:.2f}%.")
Actual = 0.5303, Sample = 0.5112, Err = 3.59%.
We'll learn how to choose this number when we (re)learn the Central Limit Theorem later in the semester.
In our SRS of size 800, what would be our chance error?
Let's simulate 1000 versions of taking the 800-sized SRS from before:
nrep = 1000 # number of simulations
n = 800 # size of our sample
poll_result = []
for i in range(0, nrep):
random_sample = movie.sample(n, replace = False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.histplot(poll_result, stat='density', ax=ax)
ax.axvline(actual_barbie, color="orange", lw=4);
What fraction of these simulated samples would have predicted Barbie?
poll_result = pd.Series(poll_result)
np.sum(poll_result > 0.5)/1000
You can see the curve looks roughly Gaussian/normal. Using KDE:
sns.histplot(poll_result, stat='density', kde=True);
Sometimes instead of having individual reports in the population, we have aggregate statistics. For example, we could have only learned that 53% of election voters voted Democrat. Even so, we can still simulate probability samples if we assume the population is large.
Specifically, we can use multinomial probabilities to simulate random samples with replacement.
Suppose we have a very large bag of marbles with the following statistics:
We then draw 100 marbles from this bag at random with replacement.
np.random.multinomial(100, [0.60, 0.30, 0.10])
array([59, 32, 9])
We can repeat this simulation multiple times, say 20:
np.random.multinomial(100, [0.60, 0.30, 0.10], size=20)
array([[66, 25, 9], [62, 29, 9], [52, 34, 14], [69, 19, 12], [60, 30, 10], [60, 26, 14], [63, 27, 10], [67, 23, 10], [56, 33, 11], [55, 38, 7], [57, 33, 10], [55, 36, 9], [54, 38, 8], [64, 26, 10], [57, 29, 14], [61, 28, 11], [68, 24, 8], [52, 32, 16], [51, 37, 12], [57, 35, 8]])