Software Packages¶
We will be using a wide range of different Python software packages. To install and manage these packages we will be using the Conda environment manager. The following is a list of packages we will routinely use in lectures and homeworks:
# Linear algebra, probability
import numpy as np
# Data manipulation
import pandas as pd
# Visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Interactive visualization library
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import as px
We will learn how to use all of the technologies used in this demo.
For now, just sit back and think critically about the data and our guided analysis.
1. Starting with a Question: Who are you (the students of Data 100)?¶
This is a pretty vague question but let's start with the goal of learning something about the students in the class.
Here are some "simple" questions:
- How many students do we have?
- What are your majors?
- What year are you?
- How did your major enrollment trend change over time?
2. Data Acquisition and Cleaning¶
In Data 100 we will study various methods to collect data.
To answer this question, I downloaded the course roster and extracted everyone's names and majors.
# pd stands for pandas, which we will learn starting from next lecture
# Some pandas syntax shared with data8's datascience package
majors = pd.read_csv("data/majors.csv")
names = pd.read_csv("data/names.csv")
3. Exploratory Data Analysis¶
In Data 100 we will study exploratory data analysis and practice analyzing new datasets.
I didn't tell you the details of the data! Let's check out the data and infer its structure. Then we can start answering the simple questions we posed.
Peeking at the Data¶
# Let's peek at the first 20 rows of the majors dataframe
Majors | Terms in Attendance | |
0 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 3 |
1 | Data Science BA | 7 |
2 | Economics BA | 8 |
3 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 5 |
4 | Economics BA | 7 |
5 | Computer Science BA, Economics BA | 7 |
6 | Business Administration BS, Letters & Sci Unde... | 5 |
7 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 5 |
8 | Microbial Biology BS | 5 |
9 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 8 |
10 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 3 |
11 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 5 |
12 | Data Science BA, Society and Environment BS | 5 |
13 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 3 |
14 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG, Microbial Biology BS | 5 |
15 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG, Nutritional Scien... | 5 |
16 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 3 |
17 | Chemistry BS | 5 |
18 | Applied Mathematics BA | 7 |
19 | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 3 |
# Let's peek at the first 5 rows (default) of the names dataframe
Name | Role | |
0 | Emily | Student |
1 | Zoe | Student |
2 | Michelle | Student |
3 | JAMES | Student |
4 | Jenny | Student |
What is one potential issue we may need to address in this data?¶
Answer: Some names appear capitalized.
In the above sample we notice that some of the names are capitalized and some are not. This will be an issue in our later analysis so let's convert all names to lower case.
names['Name'] = names['Name'].str.lower()
Name | Role | |
0 | emily | Student |
1 | zoe | Student |
2 | michelle | Student |
3 | james | Student |
4 | jenny | Student |
Exploratory Data Analysis on names
What is the most common first letter in names? What is its distribution?¶
# Below are the most common, in descending frequency
first_letter = names['Name'].str[0].value_counts()
Name a 192 j 137 s 130 m 97 e 72 Name: count, dtype: int64
# Let's visualize this first letter distribution, first_letter.values)
plt.xlabel('First Letter')
plt.title('First Letter Frequency Distribution')
In the United States, "J" and "A" names are the most popular first initials. Seems like our visualization also reflects this!
What is the distribution of the length of names?¶
name_lengths = names['Name'].str.len()
plt.hist(name_lengths, bins=range(min(name_lengths), max(name_lengths) + 2), edgecolor='black')
plt.xlabel('Name Length')
plt.title('Distribution of Length of Names')
average_length = name_lengths.sum() / len(name_lengths)
plt.axvline(average_length, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, label=f'Average: {average_length:.2f}')
plt.xticks(range(min(name_lengths), max(name_lengths) + 1))
The average length of names in the United States is also around 6 letters!
How many records do we have?¶
1291 1291
Based on what we know of our class, each record is most likely a student.
Understanding the structure of data¶
It is important that we understand the meaning of each field and how the data is organized.
Name | Role | |
0 | emily | Student |
1 | zoe | Student |
2 | michelle | Student |
3 | james | Student |
4 | jenny | Student |
What is the meaning of the Role field?¶
Answer: Understanding the meaning of an attribute can be achieved by looking at the types of data it contains (in particular, the counts of its unique values).
We use the value_counts()
function in pandas:
names['Role'].value_counts().to_frame() # counts of unique Roles
count | |
Role | |
Student | 1290 |
#REF! | 1 |
It appears that one student has an erroneous role given as "#REF!". What else can we learn about this student? Let's see their name.
# Boolean index to find rows where Role is #REF!
names[names['Role'] == "#REF!"]
Name | Role | |
737 | #ref! | #REF! |
Though this single bad record won't have much of an impact on our analysis, we can clean our data by removing this record.
names = names[names['Role'] != "#REF!"]
Double check: Let's double check that our record removal only removed the single bad record.
names['Role'].value_counts().to_frame() # Again, counts of unique Roles
count | |
Role | |
Student | 1290 |
Remember we loaded in two files. Let's explore the fields of majors
and check for bad records:
Exploratory Data Analysis on majors
majors.columns # Get column names
Index(['Majors', 'Terms in Attendance'], dtype='object')
majors['Terms in Attendance'].value_counts().to_frame()
count | |
Terms in Attendance | |
5 | 539 |
7 | 351 |
3 | 171 |
G | 124 |
8 | 75 |
6 | 22 |
4 | 8 |
#REF! | 1 |
It looks like numbers represent semesters, G
represents graduate students. But we do still have a bad record:
majors[majors['Terms in Attendance'] == "#REF!"]
Majors | Terms in Attendance | |
597 | #REF! | #REF! |
majors = majors[majors['Terms in Attendance'] != "#REF!"]
majors['Terms in Attendance'].value_counts().to_frame()
count | |
Terms in Attendance | |
5 | 539 |
7 | 351 |
3 | 171 |
G | 124 |
8 | 75 |
6 | 22 |
4 | 8 |
Detail: The deleted majors
record number is different from the record number of the bad names
record. So while the number of records in each table matches, the row indices don't match, so we'll have to keep these tables separate in order to do our analysis.
Summarizing the Data¶
We will often want to numerically or visually summarize the data. The describe()
method provides a brief high level description of our data frame.
Name | Role | |
count | 1290 | 1290 |
unique | 933 | 1 |
top | ethan | Student |
freq | 11 | 1290 |
Q: What do you think top
and freq
Answer: top
: most frequent entry, freq
: the frequency of that entry
Majors | Terms in Attendance | |
count | 1290 | 1290 |
unique | 183 | 7 |
top | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 5 |
freq | 353 | 539 |
What are the top majors:
majors_count = ( # Method chaining in pandas
.sort_values(ascending=False) # Highest first
.head(20) # Get the top 20
count | |
Majors | |
Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 353 |
Data Science BA | 129 |
Computer Science BA | 124 |
Electrical Eng & Comp Sci BS | 69 |
Economics BA | 65 |
Cognitive Science BA | 29 |
Electrical Eng & Comp Sci MEng | 25 |
Applied Mathematics BA | 24 |
Civil Engineering BS | 22 |
Mol Sci & Software Engin MMSSE | 19 |
Business Administration BS, Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | 19 |
Data Science BA, Economics BA | 17 |
Chemical Engineering BS | 15 |
Development Engineering MDE | 13 |
Public Policy MPP | 12 |
Computer Science BA, Data Science BA | 11 |
Info Mgmt & Systems MIMS | 10 |
Molecular & Cell Biology BA | 10 |
Bioengineering BS | 9 |
Public Health BA | 8 |
We will often use visualizations to make sense of data¶
In Data 100, we will deal with many different kinds of data (not just numbers) and we will study techniques to describe types of data.
How can we summarize the Majors field? A good starting point might be to use a bar plot:
# Interactive using plotly
fig =[::-1], orientation='h')
What year are you?¶
fig = px.histogram(majors['Terms in Attendance'].sort_values(),
yaxis_title="Fraction of Class",
# Replacing terms in attendance data with the degree objective
majors.loc[majors.loc[:, 'Terms in Attendance'] != 'G', 'Terms in Attendance'] = 'Undergraduate'
majors.loc[majors.loc[:, 'Terms in Attendance'] == 'G', 'Terms in Attendance'] = 'Graduate'
majors.rename(columns={'Terms in Attendance': 'Ungrad Grad'}, inplace=True)
Majors | Ungrad Grad | |
count | 1290 | 1290 |
unique | 183 | 2 |
top | Letters & Sci Undeclared UG | Undergraduate |
freq | 353 | 1166 |
1. New Questions¶
What is the ratio between graduate and undergraduate students in Data 100, and how does it compare with campus distribution?
What is the proportion of different majors in Data 100, and how does it compare with historical campus trends?
We often ask this question because we want to improve the data science program here in Berkeley, especially since it has now grown into a new college—College of Computing, Data Science, and Society—Berkeley's first new college in 50 years.
How could we answer this question?¶
Index(['Majors', 'Ungrad Grad'], dtype='object') Index(['Name', 'Role'], dtype='object')
2. Acquire data programmatically¶
Note 1: In the following, we download the data programmatically to ensure that the process is reproducible.
Note 2: We also load the data directly into Python.
In Data 100 we will think a bit more about how we can be efficient in our data analysis to support processing large datasets.
url = ""
university_majors = pd.read_csv(url,
usecols = ['Academic Yr', 'Semester', 'Ungrad Grad',
'Entry Status', 'Major Short Nm', 'Student Headcount'])
3. Exploratory Data Analysis on Campus Data¶
# Examining the data
Academic Yr | Semester | Ungrad Grad | Entry Status | Major Short Nm | Student Headcount | |
0 | 2013-14 | Fall | Graduate | Graduate | Education | 327 |
1 | 2013-14 | Fall | Graduate | Graduate | Special Education | 14 |
2 | 2013-14 | Fall | Graduate | Graduate | Science & Math Education | 16 |
3 | 2013-14 | Fall | Graduate | Graduate | Chemical Engineering | 132 |
4 | 2013-14 | Fall | Graduate | Graduate | Chemistry | 404 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7278 | 2022-23 | Spring | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Nut Sci-Physio & Metabol | 20 |
7279 | 2022-23 | Spring | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Nutritional Sci-Dietetics | 3 |
7280 | 2022-23 | Spring | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Nutritional Sci-Toxicology | 3 |
7281 | 2022-23 | Spring | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Genetics & Plant Biology | 10 |
7282 | 2022-23 | Spring | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Microbial Biology | 49 |
7283 rows × 6 columns
The data is reported on a semester basis. We will aggregate data across different semesters in a year by taking average of Fall and Spring semester enrollment information.
# Reporting student data based on academic year
university_majors = (university_majors.groupby(
['Academic Yr', 'Ungrad Grad', 'Entry Status', 'Major Short Nm'], as_index = False)[["Student Headcount"]]
Academic Yr | Ungrad Grad | Entry Status | Major Short Nm | Student Headcount | |
0 | 2013-14 | Graduate | Graduate | African American Studies | 30.0 |
1 | 2013-14 | Graduate | Graduate | Ag & Resource Economics | 71.5 |
2 | 2013-14 | Graduate | Graduate | Anc Hist & Medit Archae | 15.0 |
3 | 2013-14 | Graduate | Graduate | Anthropology | 88.5 |
4 | 2013-14 | Graduate | Graduate | Applied Mathematics | 16.5 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3735 | 2022-23 | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Spanish and Portuguese | 12.0 |
3736 | 2022-23 | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Statistics | 35.0 |
3737 | 2022-23 | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Sustainable Environ Dsgn | 4.5 |
3738 | 2022-23 | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Theater & Perf Studies | 44.0 |
3739 | 2022-23 | Undergraduate | Transfer Entrant | Urban Studies | 16.0 |
3740 rows × 5 columns
What is the historical distribution of graduate and undergraduate students at Berkeley?¶
university_grad_vs_ungrd = (university_majors.groupby(
['Academic Yr', 'Ungrad Grad'], as_index = False)[["Student Headcount"]]
proportions = university_grad_vs_ungrd.pivot(index='Academic Yr', columns='Ungrad Grad', values='Student Headcount')
proportions['Total'] = proportions['Undergraduate'] + proportions['Graduate']
proportions['Undergrad Proportion'] = proportions['Undergraduate'] / proportions['Total']
proportions['Grad Proportion'] = proportions['Graduate'] / proportions['Total']
fig =,
x='Academic Yr',
y=['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
title='Number of Grad vs. Undergrad Students',
labels={'value': 'Number of Students'},
color_discrete_map={'Undergraduate': 'blue', 'Graduate': 'orange'})
fig.update_layout(barmode='relative', autosize=False, width=800, height=600)
4.1. Ratio between graduate and undergraduate students in Data 100, and its comparison with campus distribution¶
data100_grad = majors['Ungrad Grad'].loc[majors['Ungrad Grad'] == 'Graduate'].count()
data100_undergrad = majors['Ungrad Grad'].loc[majors['Ungrad Grad'] == 'Undergraduate'].count()
print("Number of graduate students in Data 100: ", data100_grad)
print("Number of undergraduate students in Data 100: ", data100_undergrad)
Number of graduate students in Data 100: 124 Number of undergraduate students in Data 100: 1166
data100_row = {'Graduate':[data100_grad],
'Total':[data100_grad + data100_undergrad],
'Undergrad Proportion':[data100_undergrad / (data100_grad + data100_undergrad)],
'Grad Proportion':[data100_grad / (data100_grad + data100_undergrad)],
new_row_df = pd.DataFrame(data100_row)
proportions.loc['Data 100'] = new_row_df.iloc[0]
fig =,
x='Academic Yr',
y=['Undergrad Proportion', 'Grad Proportion'],
title='Proportions of Grad vs. Undergrad Students',
labels={'value': 'Proportion'},
color_discrete_map={'Undergrad Proportion': 'blue', 'Grad Proportion': 'orange'})
fig.update_layout(barmode='relative', autosize=False, width=800, height=600)
4.2. Proportion of different majors in Data 100, and their historical emrollment trends¶
data100_top_20_majors = ( # Method chaining in pandas
.sort_values(ascending=False) # Highest first
.head(20) # Get the top 20
major_trends = university_majors.groupby(['Academic Yr', 'Major Short Nm'],
as_index = False)[["Student Headcount"]].sum()
print("Top 20 majors at Berkeley in 2022-23")
major_trends[major_trends.loc[:, 'Academic Yr'] == '2022-23'].sort_values('Student Headcount', ascending=False).head(20)
Top 20 majors at Berkeley in 2022-23
Academic Yr | Major Short Nm | Student Headcount | |
1993 | 2022-23 | Letters & Sci Undeclared | 10651.0 |
1983 | 2022-23 | L&S Computer Science | 2102.5 |
1932 | 2022-23 | Electrical Eng & Comp Sci | 2093.0 |
1894 | 2022-23 | Business Administration | 1645.5 |
1928 | 2022-23 | Economics | 1579.5 |
1984 | 2022-23 | L&S Data Science | 1325.5 |
2020 | 2022-23 | Molecular & Cell Biology | 1225.5 |
2011 | 2022-23 | Mechanical Engineering | 1208.0 |
1992 | 2022-23 | Law (JD) | 1023.0 |
1973 | 2022-23 | Info & Data Science-MIDS | 1021.5 |
2042 | 2022-23 | Political Science | 1005.0 |
1948 | 2022-23 | Evening & Weekend MBA | 919.0 |
2043 | 2022-23 | Psychology | 760.0 |
1901 | 2022-23 | Chemistry | 691.0 |
2057 | 2022-23 | Sociology | 663.0 |
1881 | 2022-23 | Architecture | 604.5 |
1900 | 2022-23 | Chemical Engineering | 595.0 |
1889 | 2022-23 | Bioengineering | 576.0 |
1912 | 2022-23 | Cognitive Science | 505.5 |
1879 | 2022-23 | Applied Mathematics | 497.0 |
print("Top 20 majors at Berkeley since 2013")
major_trends.groupby(['Major Short Nm'], as_index = False)[['Student Headcount']].sum().sort_values('Student Headcount', ascending=False).head(20)
Top 20 majors at Berkeley since 2013
Major Short Nm | Student Headcount | |
150 | Letters & Sci Undeclared | 101418.0 |
77 | Electrical Eng & Comp Sci | 18431.0 |
137 | L&S Computer Science | 14818.0 |
33 | Business Administration | 14302.5 |
72 | Economics | 14000.0 |
216 | Political Science | 10334.0 |
176 | Mechanical Engineering | 10193.5 |
149 | Law (JD) | 9645.5 |
95 | Evening & Weekend MBA | 7932.5 |
233 | Sociology | 6719.5 |
217 | Psychology | 6533.0 |
40 | Chemical Engineering | 6126.5 |
41 | Chemistry | 5941.5 |
13 | Architecture | 5680.5 |
85 | English | 5520.0 |
187 | Molecular & Cell Biology | 5431.0 |
125 | Info & Data Science-MIDS | 5105.0 |
26 | Bioengineering | 5061.0 |
128 | Integrative Biology | 5060.5 |
211 | Physics | 5055.0 |
print("Top 20 majors at Berkeley in Data 100")
Top 20 majors at Berkeley in Data 100 count Majors Letters & Sci Undeclared UG 353 Data Science BA 129 Computer Science BA 124 Electrical Eng & Comp Sci BS 69 Economics BA 65 Cognitive Science BA 29 Electrical Eng & Comp Sci MEng 25 Applied Mathematics BA 24 Civil Engineering BS 22 Mol Sci & Software Engin MMSSE 19 Business Administration BS, Letters & Sci Undec... 19 Data Science BA, Economics BA 17 Chemical Engineering BS 15 Development Engineering MDE 13 Public Policy MPP 12 Computer Science BA, Data Science BA 11 Info Mgmt & Systems MIMS 10 Molecular & Cell Biology BA 10 Bioengineering BS 9 Public Health BA 8
data100_top_20_majors.index = data100_top_20_majors.index.str.rsplit(' ', n=1).str[0]
print("Top 20 majors at Berkeley in Data 100")
Top 20 majors at Berkeley in Data 100 count Majors Letters & Sci Undeclared 353 Data Science 129 Computer Science 124 Electrical Eng & Comp Sci 69 Economics 65 Cognitive Science 29 Electrical Eng & Comp Sci 25 Applied Mathematics 24 Civil Engineering 22 Mol Sci & Software Engin 19 Business Administration BS, Letters & Sci Undec... 19 Data Science BA, Economics 17 Chemical Engineering 15 Development Engineering 13 Public Policy 12 Computer Science BA, Data Science 11 Info Mgmt & Systems 10 Molecular & Cell Biology 10 Bioengineering 9 Public Health 8
fig = px.line(major_trends[major_trends["Major Short Nm"].isin(data100_top_20_majors.index)],
x = "Academic Yr", y = "Student Headcount", color = "Major Short Nm")
fig.update_layout(autosize=False, width=800, height=600)
data100_top_19_majors = data100_top_20_majors.iloc[1:,:]
fig = px.line(major_trends[major_trends["Major Short Nm"].isin(data100_top_19_majors.index)],
x = "Academic Yr", y = "Student Headcount", color = "Major Short Nm")
fig.update_layout(autosize=False, width=800, height=600)