import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
## Plotly plotting support
# import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import cufflinks as cf
cf.set_config_file(offline=True, world_readable=True, theme='ggplot')
In this lecture we provide a sample of the various topics covered in DS100. In particular we will discuss key aspects of the data science lifecycle:
This is a pretty vague question but let's start with the goal of learning something about the students in the class.
In DS100 we will study various methods to collect data.
To answer this question, I downloaded the course roster and extracted everyones names.
students = pd.read_csv("roster.csv")
What are some of the issues that we will need to address in this data?
In the above sample we notice that some of the names are capitalized and some are not. This will be an issue in our later analysis so let's convert all names to lower case.
students['Name'] = students['Name'].str.lower()
In DS100 we will study exploratory data analysis and practice analyzing new datasets.
print("There are", len(students), "students on the roster.")
This would not normally constitute big data ... however this is a common data size for a lot of data analysis tasks.
This is (or at least was) a complete census of the class containing all the official students. We will learn more about data collection and sampling.
Understanding the meaning of field can often be achieved by looking at the types of data it contains (in particular the counts of its unique values).
In DS100 we will deal with many different kinds of data (not just numbers) and we will study techniques to diverse types of data.
A good starting point might be to examine the lengths of the strings.
sns.distplot(students['Name'].str.len(), rug=True, axlabel="Number of Characters")
The above density plot combines histograms with kernel density estimators and a rug plot to convey information about the distribution of name lengths.
In DS100 we will learn a lot about how to visualize data.
Yes the above plot seems reasonable for name lengths. We might be concerned if there were 0 or even 1 letter names as these might represent abbreviations or missing entries.
We normally don't get to pick our names but they can say a lot about us. What information might a name reveal about a person?
Here are some examples we will explore in this lecture:
To study what a name tells about a person we will download data from the United States Social Security office containing the number of registered names broken down by year, sex, and name. This is often called the baby names data as social security numbers are typically given at birth.
Note: In the following we download the data programmatically to ensure that the process is reproducible.
import urllib.request
import os.path
data_url = ""
local_filename = ""
if not os.path.exists(local_filename): # if the data exists don't download again
with urllib.request.urlopen(data_url) as resp, open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
The data is organized into separate files in the format yobYYYY.txt
with each file containing the name
, sex
, and count
of babies registered in that year.
Note: In the following we load the data directly into python without decompressing the zipfile.
In DS100 we will think a bit more about how we can be efficient in our data analysis to support processing large datasets.
import zipfile
babynames = []
with zipfile.ZipFile(local_filename, "r") as zf:
data_files = [f for f in zf.filelist if f.filename[-3:] == "txt"]
def extract_year_from_filename(fn):
return int(fn[3:7])
for f in data_files:
year = extract_year_from_filename(f.filename)
with as fp:
df = pd.read_csv(fp, names=["Name", "Sex", "Count"])
df["Year"] = year
babynames = pd.concat(babynames)
In DS100 you will have to learn about different data sources on your own.
Reading from SSN Office description:
All names are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States after 1879. Note that many people born before 1937 never applied for a Social Security card, so their names are not included in our data. For others who did apply, our records may not show the place of birth, and again their names are not included in our data.
All data are from a 100% sample of our records on Social Security card applications as of March 2017.
Examining the data:
In our earlier analysis we converted names to lower case. We will do the same again here:
babynames['Name'] = babynames['Name'].str.lower()
How many people does this data represent?
format(babynames['Count'].sum(), ',d')
It seems low. However this is what the social security website states: All names are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States after 1879. Note that many people born before 1937 never applied for a Social Security card, so their names are not included in our data. For others who did apply, our records may not show the place of birth, and again their names are not included in our data. All data are from a 100% sample of our records on Social Security card applications as of the end of February 2016.
In DS100 we still study how to visualize and analyze relationships in data.
pivot_year_name_count = pd.pivot_table(babynames,
index=['Year'], # the row index
columns=['Sex'], # the column values
values='Count', # the field(s) to processed in each group
pink_blue = ["#E188DB", "#334FFF"]
with sns.color_palette(sns.color_palette(pink_blue)):
plt.title("Registered Names vs Year Stratified by Sex")
plt.ylabel('Names Registered that Year')
In DS100 we will learn to use many different plotting technologies.
mode="lines+markers", size=8, colors=pink_blue,
xTitle="Year", yTitle='Names Registered that Year',
filename="Registered SSN Names")
pivot_year_name_nunique = pd.pivot_table(babynames,
aggfunc=lambda x: len(np.unique(x)),
mode="lines+markers", size=8, colors=pink_blue,
xTitle="Year", yTitle='Number of Unique Names',
filename="Unique SSN Names")
This could in part be due to increasing number of names.
mode="lines+markers", size=8, colors=pink_blue,
xTitle="Year", yTitle='Fraction of Unique Names',
filename="Unique SSN Names")
In the following cell we define a variable for your name. Feel free to download the notebook and follow along.
my_name = "joey" # all lowercase
Compute the proportion of the name each year
name_year_pivot = babynames.pivot_table(
index=['Year'], columns=['Name'], values='Count', aggfunc=np.sum)
prob_year_given_name = name_year_pivot.div(name_year_pivot.sum()).fillna(0)
prob_year_given_name[[my_name, "joseph", "deborah"]].iplot(
mode="lines+markers", size=8, xTitle="Year", yTitle='Poportion',
filename="Name Popularity")
prob_year_given_name[[my_name, "keisha", "kanye"]].iplot(
mode="lines+markers", size=8, xTitle="Year", yTitle='Poportion',
filename="Name Popularity2")
Ideally, we would run a census collecting the age of each student. What are limitations of this approach?
What fraction of the student names are in the baby names database:
names = pd.Index(students["Name"]).intersection(prob_year_given_name.columns)
print("Fraction of names in the babynames data:" , len(names) / len(students))
In Data8 we relied on simulation:
def simulate_name(name):
years = prob_year_given_name.index.values
return np.random.choice(years, size=1, p = prob_year_given_name.loc[:, name])[0]
def simulate_class_avg(num_classes, names):
return np.array([np.mean([simulate_name(n) for n in names]) for c in range(num_classes)])
simulate_class_avg(1, names)
class_ages = simulate_class_avg(200, names)
f = ff.create_distplot([class_ages], ["Class Ages"],bin_size=0.25)
We could build the probability distribution for the age of an average student directly:
$$ \tilde{P}(\text{year} \, |\, \text{this class}) = \sum_{\text{name}} \tilde{P}(\text{year} \, | \, \text{name}) \tilde{P}(\text{name} \, | \, \text{this class}) $$In DS100 we will explore the use of probability calculations to derive new estimators
However, we have more direct estimates of a distributions and so instead we can marginalize over student names:
age_dist = prob_year_given_name[names].mean(axis=1)
age_dist.iplot(xTitle="Year", yTitle="P(Age of Student)")
np.sum(age_dist * age_dist.index.values)
class_ages = []
for i in range(10000):
np.mean(np.random.choice(age_dist.index.values, size=len(names), p=age_dist)))
print(np.percentile(class_ages, [2.5, 50, 97.5]))
f = ff.create_distplot([class_ages], ["Class Ages"],bin_size=0.25)
How can we incorporate this knowledge.
lthresh = 1985
uthresh = 2005
prior = pd.Series(0.000001, index = name_year_pivot.index, name="prior")
prior[(prior.index > lthresh) & (prior.index < uthresh)] = 1.0
prior = prior/np.sum(prior)
Take advantages of Bayesian reasoning.
$$\large P(y \,|\, n) = \frac{P(n\, | \, y) P(y)}{P(n)} $$Time permitting we will cover some basics of Bayesian modeling in DS100.
year_name_pivot = babynames.pivot_table(
index=['Name'], columns=['Year'], values='Count', aggfunc=np.sum)
prob_name_given_year = year_name_pivot.div(year_name_pivot.sum()).fillna(0)
u = (prob_name_given_year * prior)
posterior = (u.div(u.sum(axis=1), axis=0)).fillna(0.0).transpose()
posterior_age_dist = np.mean(posterior[names],axis=1)
posterior_age_dist.iplot(xTitle="Year", yTitle="P(Age of Student)")
post_class_ages = []
for i in range(10000):
np.mean(np.random.choice(posterior_age_dist.index.values, size=len(names),
print(np.percentile(post_class_ages, [2.5, 50, 97.5]))
f = ff.create_distplot([post_class_ages], ["Posterior Class Ages"],bin_size=0.25)
We can construct a similar analysis with gender looking at recent names only.
gender_pivot = babynames[(babynames['Year'] > lthresh) & (babynames['Year'] < uthresh)].pivot_table(
index=['Sex'], columns=['Name'], values='Count', aggfunc=np.sum).fillna(0.0)
prob_gender_given_name = gender_pivot / gender_pivot.sum()
Would we expect this to be a good estimator?